Happy Birthday!!

Dec 15, 2006 17:20

to randomneses!!! So how many fellow saggittariuses do I know, for real?

1. Why is there a song about Noah being "an honourable man"? Yeah sure, he was nice to God, but how nice was it to the rest of the world to kind of fail to mention that a big flood was coming?

2. On that subject, how did the wives of his three sons feel? I mean, I guess to avoid too much inbreeding, they'd have to be from three different families. Were they really a-ok with their fathers, mothers, and siblings, die in a fury of water, just so that they could provide Noah with grandchildren?

3. Related to the subject by a stretch: If I were to be pulled up in a US court, and asked to swear on the Bible, could I request to swear on a comic book instead? Or would I be muslim, on the Koran instead? Or would I have to ask that they attach me to a lie-detector test, simply because I don't see how putting my hand on a book, that contradicts itself and that anyway has been cut-and-pasted by people in Rome to fit what they thought and of which about 5-10 % is actually relevant to Christianity, in any way makes me less likely to deceive?

Apologies for the long and complicated sentence, I'm sugar-high.

I totally wrote room instead of Rome!!!

4. Does "Swedish Fish" in the US only come in one color? Because here they come in three.

5. And why are we exporting Swedish Fish, a subpar candy at best, when we could export Ahlgren's Cars, which is the best failed attempt at marshmallows the world has ever known?

6. Does American cigarettes also come with the different warning-texts, of which one of them is "SMOKING KILLS"?

7. Are stupid people really in majority in the US, or are they just louder than everyone else?

8. Which is worse, a commie or a nazi?

9. If Jesus were alive today, how many else of you imagine him saying "What the Hell, man?" in ancient Hebrew?

10. What's Sanskrit for "spoiled, pampered"? (I wanna know what I should begin calling Siddhartha Gautama, since Buddha sure don't fit.)

11. Why don't us living in the Northen hemisphere cut back on our work hours during the winter? Dude, sun rises around 9 AM, and sets around 3 PM. That is not cool, man.

12. Why the helsheim am I throwing in "man" in my writing now?

13. Oh yeah, now I remembered the important question: How is the phrase "I slept with your momma last night" an insult towards me? I don't get it, seeing as the one saying the phrase is the one desperate enough to go for women twice his age, while me, the one who is supposed to be insulted, is the one that has the least to do with it. So far I've not seen scientific proofs that genetics determine if we're sluts or not. (There probably is, but I don't give a shit.)

ETA: I forgot to use my birthday-icon, because LJ has messed with me. Damn you LJ! DAMN ..... YOU ..... EL .... JAY!!!

rambling, birthday

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