No more byes for me. I had this weeks topic almost all written and then lost it all. And apparently LJ no longer saves drafts of what you were writing. So, I have no more byes to use. EEk
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I am using my third bye this week. My friend that has cancer has had two surgeries this week, one of which was 10 hours long and I just can't focus enough to write what I wanted to.
I started an entry for this week, based on a quote that I love. But it's been a rough week. My grandmother died, I moved, and had school and work as well. Needless to say, my entry didn't get finished. And I'd rather use my last bye than write an entry that isn't what I wanted it to be.
The topic for this week, "It's A Trap" has left me utterly blank. I hoped that at some point today I'd come up with something but I'm just not managing it. So, as much as I hate do do it this early, I am declaring a bye.