In Hiding 4/5 Jack, Ianto, OFC

Nov 24, 2009 19:32

Title: In Hiding
Author: Shannon
Rating: PG
Characters/Pairing: Ianto, OFC, Jack, Jack/Ianto (sort of)
Disclaimer: Nothing you recognize belongs to me. They belong to the BBC.
Spoilers: Vague ones maybe from seasons 1 and 2.
Summary: AU. The Time Agency needs Jack to hide someone without his knowledge. The Torchwood team needs to keep her safe. (AU team with no Gwen).
Betas: kitty_poker1, velvetwhip, and elizabuffy.
Author's Notes: This was written for the Support Stacie Author Auction. For Writerreaderstories.
I know I didn't meet all of her request but I sincerely hope I managed to include enough of it to make her happy with it.

Chapter Four

It took Ianto most of the day to find a few minutes alone with Tosh and Owen. He still didn't know what to do about Illyana. Part of him was angry that she had put them all in this position, put them all in danger by lying about who she was and why she was here. She was still his friend though, and he couldn’t let these men take her back to an abusive relationship if she didn't want to go, so he needed help to keep her safe.

"Another ex?" Owen shouted. "You've got to be kidding me. Didn't Jack date any normal people?"

"Owen," Tosh interrupted. "This is hardly the same as Hart. Illyana was doing her job and it went wrong. Ianto, what do you have in mind?"

"I don't know." Ianto sighed. "I don't think we can fight these men, we aren't going to have the technology and weapons they have. So, I think, the best we can do is hide her until the Agency comes for her in a few days."

"How do we do that?" Owen asked. He was still angry that he was once again in danger because of one of Jack's ex's and wasn't making any attempt to hide it.

"That's the part I was hoping you two could help with. We need to keep them from grabbing her or hurting Jack without getting any of us killed for a few days."

"Here at the Hub is the safest place," Tosh pointed out. "Maybe we can hide her here?"

"Without Jack finding her?" Ianto asked, raising an eyebrow. "How?"

"You hid your cyber-girlfriend here for months," Owen pointed out, "You can't figure out how to hide one woman that is supposed to be here most of the day?"

"I can't exactly hook her up to machines in a cold wet basement, can I?" Ianto asked.

"Why can't we?" Tosh asked suddenly. Both men turned to stare at her in question. "Not hook her up to machines, but hide her in the basements?"

"I know the two of you don't go down there often but it's not the most pleasant of places," Ianto said, then seeing the look on Owen's face added, "I realize she doesn't need to be kept in first class accommodations but the sub-levels are not habitable at all."

"At one time the Hub housed some of the agents," Tosh explained. "What about those rooms? Are they liveable? She wouldn't really be down there all that often. She can find excuses to work late and only need to sleep down there."

"I'd be more than happy to give her my Rift monitor duty tomorrow night," Owen offered. "That would give her an excuse to be here most of the night."

"That could work. I'll go down and check those rooms today," Ianto said, smiling for the first time today feeling as if they could actually manage to pull this off.

"Owen! Ianto!" Jack's voice echoed through the Hub as he and Illyana came through the door dragging a weevil behind them.

Owen and Ianto went to help Jack with the weevil while Tosh pulled Illyana aside to explain that the plan was for her to move into the Hub tomorrow.


Jack sat up in bed, flashes of his past running through his head.

"Jack?" Ianto sat up next to him, a worried look crossing his face. "Is something wrong?"

Jack shook his head. It was just a dream. "No, just a strange dream."

"Another nightmare?"

"Not really, no. It's just-" Jack hesitated. He needed to find out about the men on the footage. "Tosh found something on the CCTV from the Rift spike. Two men. They seemed familiar. They were near where you and Illyana were searching. I thought maybe you'd seen them and recognized them."

"You were dreaming about men on CCTV?" Ianto asked, forcing a smile. Obviously Tosh and Jack had noticed that he and Illyana had also seen the two men. "Should I be worried?"

Jack smiled and kissed him quickly. "Nope, but…"

"We saw them," Ianto admitted. He knew he was going to have to tell Jack something. He hated lying to him and if Jack was asking questions he was already suspicious. He decided to go with the truth-well the truth as Ianto had known it that night-and hope Jack didn't try to delve any deeper. "We passed two men on the street and I thought it looked like one was wearing a wrist strap like yours. So did Illyana but decided it was just a watch and we were just overtired."

"Illyana didn't recognize them?"

"No," Ianto said quickly. "Should she?"

"I guess not." Jack sighed. "It's just…you know what, never mind. That dream is just playing with my mind."

"What was your dream about?" Ianto asked.

"It didn't make any sense, really," Jack said, "Those men just looked like someone I might have known before."

"So you recognized them?" Ianto asked. Maybe keeping this all from Jack wasn't going to work after all. He knew Jack had based Torchwood's retcon on something that was used by the Time Agency in the future, and he knew that memories erased with retcon could be triggered. If those men were triggering Jack's memories it may be best to be honest with him before he figured it out on his own.

"No," Jack answered. "Yes, I'm not sure. I also saw Illyana in the dream, and I know I didn't know her before she came to Torchwood."

Before Ianto could say anything Jack's phone rang. It was too early to be anyone but Torchwood so Ianto rolled out of the bed and headed to the shower while Jack listened to whoever had called. It was obviously going to be another very long day.


"So now you want to tell him?" Tosh asked, raising an eyebrow. Jack, Illyana, and Owen had gone out to investigate the newest spike while she and Ianto manned the Hub. Which had also given Ianto time to get Illyana's bags from her car and move them down to her new temporary room in the sub levels.

"I don't want to," Ianto said, "But he recognized the men on the CCTV. He also said Illyana was in his dream but that it was in the past-or future-his past, before Torchwood. If he figures out that we're hiding something from him he's going to be angry."

"So we tell him all of it?"

"No, I don't think he needs to know that he was married to Illyana. Just tell him what he needs to know. He worked with her, he protected her when she was in danger before and now they're back."

"You know him better than anyone," Tosh said. "If you think we need to tell him then we should do it."

"We'll do it when they get back."

Tosh quickly typed out and sent a message to both Owen and Illyana's mobile's letting them know that they were going to tell Jack when they got back.

"I've got it, Jack," Ianto said, as Jack's voice started shouting instructions in his ear. He began typing quickly, pulling up the information Jack needed.


Quinn frowned at the information on the holograph scrolling in front of him. He was supposed to take Illyana the first chance he had. Forget giving her the three days he'd promised. He'd known this was going to be the likely order when he told his boss that he'd seen Ianto Jones taking bags from her car into the Tourist Centre that was obviously the front for Torchwood.

What he didn't know was how he was supposed to get her alone. Not if she was moving into Torchwood. Had she told Harkness that they were here? He doubted it. They had found out long ago that the Agency had altered his memories and it was unlikely they wanted her to trigger them again. Still, she'd been working with him for three years now, and with the others, chances were good he'd protect her without knowing about their past history. He'd have to find a way to lure them all out into the open.


"Sir, it appears they will be moving early to take Illyana."

"Why the change?"

"Torchwood was going to hide her, they found out."

"Does Harkness know then? Did she tell him?"

"I don't think so. From what we intercepted they didn't move her in until he was out of the building."

"We need to get her out then, before he's told anything," he said with a sigh. "Or before this triggers the memories we don't want him to have. If he remembers what that case was and we did he will find a way to come back…"

"I'll make the arrangements to get her by morning," the other man said. "And to take care of Torchwood at the same time."

"As quickly as possible please. We don't know when Quinn will strike."

Chapter Five
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