I know I've posted before about signing up to write for the Support Stacie Auction but now I just want to remind everyone that the auction starts tomorrow (Sept 11) and runs through the 14th.
closing times vary depending on the fandom you're bidding on.
The auction is to raise money for Stacie, a member of the Gilmore Girls fandom, who is very sick and has no medical insurance, so is now seriously indebt and still in need of treatment that she can't afford.
You can get more information about the charity and about Stacie
The auction is multifandom and there are currentlly 47 different fandoms represented, with nearly 200 authors and artists offering themselves up for bidding. The list of authors and fandoms is
The lists of specific offers are
here. As well as posts with an explanation of the process and a FAQs.
The organizers also wanted to remind everyone that not every offer is going to, or needs to, bring in large sums of money. As little as five dollars can help pay for a prescription or gas to get to doctor appointments.
Many authors also will add in special offers as time goes by, for the second place bidder if they're willing to still donate. Or (as I've done) drabbles for smaller bids. Also group bids are allowed as well, so bidders are welcome to combine their resources and place a bid as a group instead of an individual.
Please take a few minutes to
check out the offers available and see if there's anything available you might want to bid on. For the non-authors, it's a chance to get an author to write the fic you want to see but no one has written. Even if you are an author, maybe there's a fic you'd like to see but don't think you can personally write. Now is your chance to try to get someone else to write it for you, and help someone who really needs it at the same time.
And in case anyone is interested in bidding on me (but really, even if it's not on me, bid if you can):
(1) 3000 word BTVS/ATS fic: Any Het pairing, or Gen. Nothing dark, no smut (sorry never been good at writing that). Preferred pairings are Spike/Willow or Willow/Giles, but will write any het.
(1) 3000 word Harry Potter fic: Any Het pairing or gen. Nothing dark, no smut. Preferred pairings are Hermione/Draco, Hermione/Snape, Hermione/Charlie, or Hermione/Remus but again will write any het pairing.
(1) 5000 word Doctor Who fic: New Who only. No smut no darkfic, I prefer Gen fic but I can do pairings as well.
(1) 10,0000 word Torchwood fic: again no smut, no darkfic. Any pairing or gen. Preferred pairings are Jack/Ianto or Ianto/Tosh but will do any pairing.