Fallout Drabbles

Aug 14, 2009 08:26

Title: Fallout Drabbles
Author: Shannon
Characters : Rhys, Jack, Martha
Rating: G
Disclaimer: They don't belong to me. They belong to RTD and the BBC
Distribution: shannons_fic and The Library. Anyone else wants it just ask first.
Spoilers: CoE
Summary: 3 Drabbles, Rhys, Jack, and Martha's thoughts on the events of CoE
Beta: velvetwhip
Notes: These were written for tw100's prompt Fallout. These are sort of loosely connected to Alone that I posted yesterday. It doesn't have to be read for these though.

Rhys watched Gwen cry as Jack disappeared into the night. Not that long ago he would've been angry-jealous of her reaction to Jack. He wasn't anymore, though. Rhys knew Gwen loved him. This thing with Jack wasn’t attraction or love. It was about having someone in her life that understood the danger and madness of her job. He'd realized that six months ago when he was forced to fully accept all of the things she dealt with everyday. He loved Gwen, but he understood that there were things in her life he'd never be able to help her with.

Jack knew he was hurting Gwen by leaving while she was trying to rebuild Torchwood. But he couldn't stay. Not now. Maybe never. Not after Ianto-and Stephen. He couldn't be the strong one. He couldn't comfort her about Ianto, Owen or Tosh. He couldn't let her cry on his shoulder. He'd lost everything in a matter of days. He'd lost Stephen, Alice, and Torchwood. He could have lived with that loss - Alice had cut him from their lives years ago - but when Ianto died he'd lost everything. Without Ianto he wasn't sure he could face anything again.

No one had called. Not UNIT. Not Jack. She was UNIT's medical director and no one called her about aliens threatening to release a deadly virus. Being on her honeymoon didn't mean she wouldn't come back if the whole bloody world was in danger. But all she was given was a list of the dead. She'd visited Ianto's grave. Found Gwen and offered her help to rebuild Torchwood. She was worried about Jack. He'd been gone so long, had taken off into space. He shouldn't be alone. She had to get him help; she reached for her phone.

"Hello, Doctor?"
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