Dec 24, 2007 18:00
stupid Hollywood
(btw, this post contains spoilers)
The Golden Compass movie was a disappointment. The movie didn't explain nearly enough for someone not at least a little familiar with the general plot to be satisfied with it. And the movie ended before the book did. I was going to be like, okay, the movie wasn't all that bad, then bam, it ends as they're flying into the sunset in search of Lord Asriel. The witches were a plot convenience in the movie, appearing once to give guidance and once to save the day, with no explanation or background either time. And the experiment was some vague bad thing that wasn't really explained either. *sigh* oh well
But I totally spazzed out when the bear spoke and it was Ian McKellan! My sister looked at me funny. That totally made the movie better for me. I know, I'm a dork. And was it just me, or was there a glimpse of Christopher Lee too? *edits* It was Christopher Lee!
And I can't figure out where I know the guy who played Faa (King of the Gyptians) from.
then after I got home I realized it was Christmas Eve! Already! omg, where did the time go?
anyway, Merry Christmas everybody!