So, Halloween this year...
We didn't end up Trick-or-Treating, since we got such a late start on everything. We did have a fun night in though :3 "We" meaning myself, Sarah, Kat, and Emily.
We baked a TON of cupcakes, which Kat decorated so elaborately it was ridiculous. Also watched a few Halloween movies, namely Nightmare Before Christmas and Rocky Horror, drank
Vampire Wine and of course devoured lots of candy. I've been sick for the past few days, so it was actually a bit of a relief to relax instead of running around. Plus, I can always save the costume I ended up buying for next year.
I had filled up a sizable bucket with candy in anticipation of the Trick-or-Treaters, since lots of families live around here and it's a pretty big neighborhood. My predictions were waaaay off- we only got three small groups of Trick-or-Treaters at the door all night. IDK why, maybe our new street name scared em off (Elm St, lol)?? The amount of candy we have leftover is ridiculous. It'll probably last us through the apocalypse.
The next few weeks are going to be a little crazy. I have three major assignments due all throughout this week and next, and ShadoCon is this weekend (and it won't be entirely fun, as I have to conduct interviews there with random con-goers for my honors thesis... the majority of my paper hinges on it, actually :D;;).
I did get a bit of a boost today, considering how overwhelmed/incompetent I've been feeling about school lately. My midterms were handed back, and I got 87% on one, 100% on the other :D On top of that, on the one I got the 100 on I was told that mine was the best one in the class, which really made me feel great.
Yet another big assignment is due tomorrow, so back to the grind 8| Can't wait to get a bit of a break, which should FINALLY come after next Monday when all projects/big assignments will be done with for a bit. CAN'T COME SOONER.