Dec 20, 2006 08:42
I thought that things were going to slow down a bit after last week, but that hasn't really happened yet! Yesterday was a busy day at school, and then we spent a good part of the evening wrapping Sub for Santa gifts at young women's. It was fun, I'm enjoying getting to know the girls better. Today will be a busy school day, and then I get to stay after school and get my room ready for the massive fire inspection that is happening tomorrow. We are only supposed to have TEN PERCENT of our walls covered. It's a school for crying out loud. We use our walls to teach. My room is already starting to look so bare. I had to take down the branches off of my tree that were hanging from the ceiling. It was sad. That took me a long time to put up! But what do ya do.... It has forced me to do some cleaning of my room, which is always a good thing. It's amazing how quickly things can clutter up. Then tonite is dinner with Jen. It should be fun I'm sure. I haven't seen her for awhile now. The rest of the week will be school, laundry, and packing! I'm really excited to go home.
Last year for Christmas my dad gave my mom the gift of renting out the local theater for her to perform a Christmas concert this Christmas season. It has a beautiful Steinway piano that is so fun to play on. It's turned into this great production! It's a free concert, but my mom has a friend that she's done shows with before that has gotten her all of this great publicity around town. She's had radio ads, and a big newspaper spread all about her. He's also got posters of her all over town apparently. My dad's hospital is sponsoring the concert now, so that will generate some interest among the employees. I'm so sad that we can't be there for it. It's tomorrow nite, and we aren't allowed to take any kind of personal day before holidays due to so many people wanting to take them off. This could leave the district with a sub shortage! But she wrote me this little email the other day about me not being there. I thought it was sweet.
"It is so great that you can just step in and do this. Such talent. And on that note - I'm really going to miss you Thursday night. I told dad that out of all the kids, you would be the one who would really get what Thursday night was all about, being a piano player and all. You could probably appreciate it more than anyone! So know you'll be missed and I will be thinking of you."
She has amazing talent, and I know she'll do an incredible job. I guess we'll just have to settle for watching the video!
My kids are pretty wild this week. The excitement of Christmas combined with the snow is almost too much for them! We are having fun, though. We have a Christmas sing-a-long on Friday with the whole school. The first grade is going to be so stinking cute. We're singing a song called Hot Cup of Cocoa. With their little actions...darling. Then the room moms are doing a winter party. That will be fun. They've all been really generous with their gifts so far. It's nice to be appreciated.
We are about done Christmas shopping I think. We've still got a bit to do for Josh's family, but we'll just catch up on that when we get home from our trip. It won't be as much to shop for since we decided not to draw names this year. Instead, we all pitched in some money to send to a family in Brazil that my brother in law knew on his mission. After hearing about my brother's experiences down there, and my parents when they went to pick him up, I know it will go a long way for that family.
Anyway, I guess that's it. Time to go get ready for bus duty in the freezing cold morning air.