Nov 16, 2008 17:43
Like many people, I was disappointed in the passage of California's Proposition 8, which added an amendment to the constitution of the state to invalidate gay marriage.
Where I differ from most of my friends is that I don't see this as a huge crushing blow to gay rights. It's merely the latest salvo in a war that gay marriage is ultimately destined to win.
Take the long view. Look at homosexuality over the last 100 years. It's gone from being illegal in most areas to being a largely accepted lifestyle choice. Being "out" was nearly unheard of then, and is the norm now. Society is advancing and accepting homosexuality as valid. Many people don't see it because they're too wrapped up in the moment. When you see intolerance it often makes you blind to the tolerance all around you. Take a deep breath and look at the longer timeline and you'll see your side is winning.
Even the medium view is optimistic. The majority of people who voted for Prop 8 were 60 years old or more. The younger generation was against it. As with all social change, it takes younger generations replacing older ones to come about. Within 20 years, most of the people in favor of Prop 8 will have passed on. Even within 5 or 10 years, it's likely enough of them will have died to cover the 4% shortfall that made Prop 8 a reality.
Prop 8 passed 52% to 48%. Ten years ago, gay marriage was opposed by 70% of the nation. This is real progress. This is the direction you want that line on the chart to be headed. It didn't get up to the threshold that you wanted, but it's on its way.
So relax a little. Continue keeping the issue in the forefront so people don't forget about it. And rest easy in the knowledge that it's not a matter of "if" gay marriage will end up accepted, it's a matter of "when."