Originally published at
Shane's Shack. Please leave any
comments there.
This will be my third week to sit at 280 lbs. Honestly, I’m getting a little frustrated. The no sugar thing is hard enough to stick with and now I’ve stalled for three solid weeks. So to try and jump start myself again I am committing to the following eating plan for the next week:
- Breakfast: coffee, with 2 scrambled eggs
- Lunch: Subway 6″ Veggie Delight
- Supper: Either whatever Radene cooks for us, or another Subway 6″ Veggie Delight (Radene usually cooks something).
There will be absolutely no snacking, on anything. Maybe this is my downfall. Afternoon’s at work are a killer for me. Mildly stressed from work, not really “satisfied” with my small lunch, it makes it easy to down a couple of packages of peanuts.
My goal for next week is 275!