Let's Play - Legend of Mana 7 (Monster Corral)

Mar 06, 2010 21:52

So...did you guys ever clean up those pumpkins?

The ones we used to try to take over the world?

Yeah, those ones.

No, not so much.


So they're probably there, rotting.


Stinking up west Domina.


Sounds about right.


Fine. I'll do it.

Here comes the cutest mail carrier!

Watch out boys, BANG!

(I guess there's not much of a problem.)

(And I'm not smelling anything...)


That's a beast egg. You never see wild eggs around here...

Quite lucky, you are!


This is a rare opportunity! Try to catch it!

What's an egg?

...are you serious?

It's just a baby right now, but someday it will grow up to be a big monster.

Of course most monsters hate people, so they try to harm us...

(You're people?)

But a monster raised from youth learns to protect its master.

You said it was a "Beast Egg"?

"Beast" is the type of monster that it will become.

You can't really tell exactly what monster it will grow up to be.

They all look the same.

But if you look closely, you can tell what class of monster it belongs to.

With some practice, you can differentiate between over 10 types of monsters!

I guess I'll try to catch it, then!


You can't just haphazardly walk up to an egg!

Why not?

They are watching you!


Go carefully, and try to catch them off-guard.


First of all, don't stand in front of it. You'll only scare the poor thing.

When scared, monster eggs run away at incredible speeds!

Most eggs don't have feet, you know.

Next, keep your eyes on the egg.

That way, you'll be able to tell what the egg is thinking.

And when you say "Off guard"?

Monster eggs are gluttons. They forget everything once they start munching!

Sounds like Bud.

And when they're full, they fall asleep. Then they're a lot easier to catch!

And try to stay out of the egg's field of vision.

They'll think you've gone away, and you can catch them off-guard.

Okay, I can do it!

Try using this.

You get Diceberry!

You get Bellgrapes!

You get Citrisquid!

So now that I have food, I can pretty easily get the egg. The basic goal is to drop food on the ground, wait for the egg to notice it, and then let it munch away until it's full and falls asleep.

That's what you're supposed to do, at least. There's a way to get the eggs without feeding them. It requires a bit more patience, but why waste the food if you don't have to?

The first--and really, only--step, is to stay out of the egg's field of vision.

As they turn, an arrow pops up in the direction they're going to start moving. They won't turn completely around, but can turn quite a bit in a single motion, so you want to stay as far out of their line of sight as possible.

Keep doing this, and eventully...

The egg'll get bored and lose track of what's going on. It'll slowly start to build up a "...", one dot at a time, during which time you can pop up behind it and surprise it! A quick grab, and...

It is worth noting that this strategy does not work on every egg. There's one type of egg in particular that has a weird pattern, making it difficult to see what direction it's facing without the arrow (which isn't always up). Other eggs are in locations where you can't always run circles, and if you touch the egg, it freaks out. So in those situations, you might have to use food.


Deliver whelpy-whelp! To the corral I go!



Get back here with my egg!

Relax. Pelican will deliver the egg to the corral.

Well, we'd better head to the corral, too.

Here we are, in the backyard of your home.

...this was in my backyard?

(First a giant tree and now this?)

(I should really pay attention to what's near my house.)

This is the monster corral. You can let up to 3 monsters graze.

Monsters will level up when you leave them grazing here.

They'll grow up to become reliable partners for your journey.

The monster eggs that you caught are in that barn.

So let's go take a look at the barn!

This is where you raise the monster eggs you catch.

You might find a monster egg during an adventure.

Capture an egg when you find one! You can have up to 5 pets.

Just five?

If you already have 5 pets and you find another egg...

You can sell either the egg or one of the 5 pets you already have.

Sell the one that you don't really like.

Jennifer at the Item Shop will buy the eggs from you.

She can be a tightwad, but she's the only buyer around.

(She likes my clothes :3)

Anyway, eggs hatch in a few days.

Monsters become attached to their master, and like to follow along.

Like a puppy!

They grow more powerful by gaining experience.

...not...like a puppy.

Oh yeah, monsters' growth is affected by diet.

Try feeding them different food to see what happens.

Like...a puppy?

Do not feed your monsters puppies.


Well, then!

Monster Corral - The End (I forgot to screenshot this :()


Cactus Diary #57 - Monster Corral

Now my master can bring back eggs of

other animals to raise them as pets!

I can't pet them because I'm all

spikey, but humans will be okay

because they aren't spiky like me.

(Yes, he spells "spiky" two ways. This is not a typo on my part.)

I wait a few more days, and then...

The Beast Egg hatched!

This little monster is a Rabite, and it needs a name! Go!

The Rabite is the "mascot" of the Mana games. Soooo cute. The Beast Egg you get in this quest will always be a Rabite--but it doesn't have to be a Beast Egg. If you have a Final Fantasy VIII save file, you can "point" to it (I'll show you what I mean another time--there are other secrets like this) before the quest begins, and instead of a Beast Egg, you'll find a Bird Egg that hatches into a Chocobo!

I like the Rabite way better.

let's play legend of mana

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