
Oct 02, 2007 13:17

So, updating this shit again then :)

Well, im currently at home, sitting on my bed, writing and shit while everyone is out. I had a dream a while ago, a pretty creepy one, that i keep meaning to write as a story, but heavent gotten around to.

It's bascially about a family where the mother dies and the father is left to bring up his 4 daughters (i didnt quite dream all this but invented it after - plan was lost with old laptop).

So he moves them out to a secluded house in the middle of some woods. The oldest daughter (Lauren i think - age 17) is kinda going off the rails and rebelling against everything and being a bitch. The next daugher (Sammy - age 15) is the narrator, and is concerned about her family, and tries to be a mother to everyone. Next (Elsie - 12) has various problems, possible an eating disorder. And the youngest (Nerys - 6) hasnt spoken a word since her mother died, and has an invisible friend called Holly. She lives in her own world of make-believe, which worries everyone.

This was my dream - Young girl (aged about 6) with long brown hair, is running through some woods, playing a game with an imaginary friend, when she looks up and sees a man/thing dressed in white cloth (almost like a beerkeepers outfit) standing above her in the trees, watching her.

So yeah, that happens to Nerys but she doesnt talk so she doesnt tell anyone, and she keeps seeing him, but you dont know whether she really is seeing him or whether he is, like everything else, imaginary.

Wow, i so didnt intend to write about that :) Oh well :)

Right, my life?

Well, work sucks. People got fired and so we're gonna stage a mass 'handing-in-of-notice' some day soon. Which means i've really gotta find a new job. As i type this though i am currently filling out an application form for an admin position with the Police (woohoo) so, fingers crossed.

Maddy text me this morning, telling me she's lost her purse and is it in the house. It's not, which sucks.

New guy, just started at work, who at first i thought was kinda cute, but too young for me. And then i find out who is he, which was kinda obvious really now that i think about it. He's my ex James's youngest brother, who i never met. And now i have to work with him, and he looks so much like James. And i cant help flirting with him and the bad thing is, is he's flirting back, and i catch him looking at me sometimes and it's all getting really bad. Mainly coz he's way too young for me, and also coz he's JAMES'S BROTHER!! shitshitshit :(

Ah well, these things happen.

My dad sent me some money for my birthday, and actually phoned me on the day, which i think is a first. Usually he forgets. But yeah, so i went and bought an Nintendo DS and some games, so that the money didnt just go on rent and i actually have something to show for turning 24. And i know, a Nintendo DS isnt exactly the responsible and mature present a 24 year old should want, but i wanted it, and its fun, and it cures my boredom :) So yay.

Um, i guess that's about it really. I really wanna work with the police :D

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