
Sep 21, 2007 12:43

Well, im back. BT finally decided to remove their heads from their asses and actually do something about my internet connection. So..yay :)

Hrm..what has happened?

Well, ive moved house. I now i live in a much nicer area. Nicer house too, apart from the fact that we have a conservatory instead of a living room which is boiling when it's hot and freezing when it's cold and we cant watch TV during the day coz it's too bright. But, other than that, the house is cool. And, we're no longer living with ben-dickface. So, for that i'm very happy :)

So..this summer??

Well, Dannii was here, living down the road, which is cool. We got obsessed with Hairspray an watched it like, 7 times. Which we could do coz it was free :) The only joy of working in a cinema. Grrr, Ben Beach just called me and put me in a really bad mood. Hate him.

But yeah. We went a few places this summer, renting a car and such. Went to Brecon and to Bath for the day which was nice except that it rained. I also went to London to see Dannii before she left for NZ (going for a year!) and that was ok, except that i got sick towards the end and had to go to the doc's. Apparently i had a hypoglycemic attack, which sucked. I've had a few since but dont feel too bad at the moment. So...bleh.

At the moment i hate work with a passion. Loads of shit has been happeneing, and Emma is being a complete wanker. She went on a witchhunt to get this guy fired and now, coz she did that and it cant look like she was singling him out, about 7 other people have been suspended for doing the same things as him, which everyone does, and dont mean anything. I mean, everyone forgets to charge for extra cheese sometimes, but it doesnt mean you should fucking suspend them and accuse them of stealing. For fucks sake. So now some of them have quit coz they're, obviously, pretty pissed off, and i dont blame them. Its such a shame.

Um...had a very short relationship over the summer too. Well, nothing more than free sex really, but it was there. Meh :)

But now...i think i've fallen for one of my best friends, which sucks. And normally i would just tell myself to get a life but i think he feels the same, which makes it even more complicated. For one, he has a girlfriend, and i know her pretty well. But they're not a good match. She's too....thick and annoying. And there's also the fact that he goes to Uni a long way away, and has now left. And also, coz of all the shit going down at work, he may get fired. So, it all kinda sucks.

Also, had a birthday, which was ok. My mum bought me a digital camera, which is pink and quite cool. I also got dvd's (ed norton!) and a picture and some Ann Summer's stuff. So yay :) My dad also called me, actually on my birthday, which was a first. Apparently he's gonna send me some stuff, which is also a first. So, yeah :) I do need to go see them soon though, mainly to see Ozziedog, but also to give my bro and sis some of the shit i've collected for them from the cinema. Posters and merchandise and stuff. Some of it's pretty cool, but its mostly pens and note pads and shit.

So, going out tonight to celebrate my birthday, and also to see Robin off before she leaves for Uni. Should be a good night. I've invited Ryan as well, which should be interesting, as i usually end up pulling him on every night out. Which is kinda the reason i invited him. Unfortunately, Maddy also invited Ben (and one i used to like) which is gonna be annoying. But, i havent seen him for a while so maybe things will be ok between us. I hope so.

Ok, so thats pretty much it i guess. At the moment i'm sitting in my room listening to Lilly Allen. She's the best Chav ever.

Ooh, and im getting my hair cut today, so i should go get ready. I really need to get highlights to make it more blonde, but i cant afford them :( sucks.

Anyway...that'll do.

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