Life has been Life

Apr 04, 2014 22:52

Zephyrus has only gotten more wrathful. We've gotten snow, chilling winds and even I have mixed opinions on the dreary weather we've had on average.
I mean, I love dreary weather, but I still feel a bit cheated out of spring.
I suppose I should just enjoy the rain, the winds that I can hear quite audibly out my window and the gray sky. I've generally found such weather to have a profound influence on me. It clears up a headache, gets me to focus on reading and isn't too bad for a casual walk.
Suddenly I feel sad that it was be sixty tomorrow.
I stopped at a career fair today. While there wasn't much for me now, there will be numerous internships popping up in the summer, and more job opportunities.
A basic grunt job like I had last year should be enough for me to hold over. The hunt continues.
I gave blood yesterday. I found myself doing quite a bit of walking afterwards, and I wasn't as hydrated as I could have been. When I had anatomy in ten minutes and I was having trouble snapping to attention, coffee seemed like an answer. I had not had coffee that entire day, much to my shock. Little was accomplished, but then I did sleep through one alarm and take two minutes to wake from another.
Either way, the coffee was a big mistake. I no longer felt sleepy, but I did feel exhausted. I drank very little of it and chucked the stuff.
Class ended early, much to my joy. I went home and slept well, but the effects still carried over. Much of this day I was in a physically miserable state.
Even so, I went to the job fair and did not regret it.
Lessons I have been learning:
Don't be such a dick all the time. I've generally been critical and scathing of people. It's not that to do so is without merit, but sometimes that clouds the vision. I've actually been working on the whole "not being judgmental" thing for a few months now.
It wasn't that it was a New Year's resolution*, but it did tie in around that time. Through proxy of an unseasonably optimistic classmate I found myself talking with a person on the bus that I hated for a good year. She was just so loud. Nobody should be laughing and talking that loud at 6:30 in the morning.
Even so, I've come to recognize that it shouldn't freaking matter.
(Just to be clear, I still want to drop kick people who pop their gum.)
She was enjoyable enough company, I must profess. Her friends brought up things such as plush turkeys used as stress balls and malfunctioning technology/teens.

And as I notice the stacks of books:
All in all, my productivity has increased. The weather is still better now than before and classes have been going fairly well. I finished a paper earlier this week and it left the rest of the day mostly open. Suddenly the invisible stress that had been whittling at me was largely gone.
Psychology was finally interesting. We got into the unit on sex, gender and development. Seriously, it's good to finally have a lesson where you don't largely know most of what is being taught before you open the book. Ironically, much of the class was AWOL. It really was a shame. Given how Intersex is a book I found to be quite interesting, I have always found gender identity and that sort of stuff to be fun to read about.
According to a quick quiz, I am almost perfectly androgynous. Where -20 on the scale is feminine and +20 is masculine, I score a 1.
It doesn't mean much to me, but then I did find myself checking the "some of the time" category on just about everything.
On a more current note:
I don't feel too sleepy, even if my eyes feel graced with crow's feet and that music fuzzily playing in my head thing is going on.
Yes, sleep will come.
But until then, I suppose some reading can get done.

1. Getting the courage to ask Hypatia out was the New Year's resolution.

rambling, obsessions, school, jobs

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