Mar 31, 2014 23:07
There are little conversations and songs playing in my head. It's like, there's music in my head, but show quotes, conversations... It's all just a blur.
I need to go to bed.
But first I must post.
I was not extremely lazy, but I must manage my time better. I did some things today for school just to free me from doing them on Tuesday. While I still have quite a lot to do, I am a little calmer now.
I have a paper due on Wednesday, which isn't too hard and I have done a good amount of reading for. It's an easy enough paper and it helps that I get 50% just for showing up at a little project thing. I don't know what to call it. It was four students and a Safety Officer showing us his lack of planning on an MSDS app for which he really didn't teach us anything about.
It was similar enough to doing a half-assed requisition, but with mortuary supplies, some of which seemed awfully familiar to the back of some boxes of junk food.
I fixed up my bike, though some fine tuning is very much in order. The ride to my friend's was inefficient enough. It was good to see Hypatia, though it bothers me how I can still be as shy around her as I am. We should hopefully be able to spend some time together this week.
I lack a certain finesse. Finesse is a synonym for shutting up and remaining fairly quiet, making reasonable eye contact and paying heed to various social situations.
I suppose it's all going slowly. We're dating, but even with the surprise peck she gave me recently I find myself unable to really talk to her as I might were we dating. Sure I talk a lot, but I soon find myself abhorring myself for how utterly stupid I am.
I also need to update my resume already. I have my license for pesticide application. I have jobs to apply to.
I want to work, I want to leave the house, I want to be a valuable little cog.
Not useless!
I should sleep now. I have nonetheless a lot to do. Bits of Jenny's voice are running in my head, but the ringing seems a bit more important, creating some gibberish I suppose. Then again, she likes languages and her lexicon is rather vast, so a lot of things kind of go over my head.
Of course, I'm usually a bit out of it anyway.