A Trainwreck Called Twilight

Aug 28, 2008 00:35

My review as promised:

Okay, so I just read the book Twilight which happens to be from the series that's all the rage right now. I was kind of curious because the teaser trailer for the movie looked kind of interesting and the book had a lovely cover. The cover itself gets 4 stars from me. Anyhow...
The book itself. o.m.g How many flipping times does Bella have to make some reference to being clumsy? I didn't catch on the first 30 times she mentioned it, so every other sentence was helpful in reminding me. Stephenie Meyers...get an editor. Pretty much any sentence not spent talking about clumsiness was spent idolizing Edward. This is where I believe I'm too jaded for these types of books. Back when I was in high school, I could get the whole obsessing over a crush thing. Reading this now makes me thing "Oh, how pathetic."
Bella's character sort of annoys me...a lot. In addition to mentioning being clumsy every 5 seconds, she also forgets to breathe every 10 seconds. She's also very smug. Yeah, she does the whole "I don't get why I'm popular, I don't get why Edward likes me thing, yadda yadda yadda" a lot, but at the same time, you get the impression that she thinks she's superior to the other students. When she's giving her impressions of Jessica, Mike, and others, you can tell she thinks she's more intelligent. I'm probably reading too much into it since those sort of people aggravate me, but whatever.
The dialogue was really cheesy. I had a big "LOL" moment at this:
Bella: I love you.
Edward: You are my life now.
I don't think laughing was supposed to be the intended effect of this.

Despite all this, I kept reading it, because like a trainwreck, I wanted to see what happened. I guess I should give Meyers cred for keeping me interested, even with all the epic fail. And yes, it was great for mindless fluff factor.

Grade: C
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