May 04, 2008 16:06
The set-up:
First exam for Gothic Lit. course. Items include Frankenstein (prose), Byron's "Lara" (poetry), Walpole's Castle of Otranto (also prose), and some Radcliffe (I know you know those genres...but the emphasis becomes important shortly).
The decision:
Because of tardiness in handing back marked work, left in "identify author, title, speaker, audience" portion, for built-in extra credit on OPEN BOOK PORTION. Did you get that? Open book. They. Can. USE. Their. Books.
The problem:
Three exams left to grade. So far, 80% of the class has identified the quote from Byron as being from Frankenstein.
What the...
...I mean, don't you think that...
Couldn't they tell that..
...Because, argh...
life in shamelaland,
stupid student tricks