No really...go on without me...I'd just slow you down...
As I have been specifically tagged by
lady_frolic, and included in the "everyone who hasn't done this yet" category by such luminaries as
syrenatricksy, and
ramblingregina, I will play along. Hmmm...and I will join the trend in tagging everyone who has not yet participated (hellllooooo, internets).
The 8-Things Meme
1. Each player starts with 8 random facts/habits about themselves.
2. People who are tagged, write a blog post about their own 8 random things, and post these rules.
3. You need to tag 8 people. If you like...
1. When I am super-stressed out, I chew off my nails, dig at my hangnails, and wash my hands a lot. OCD, anyone?
2. My mother's family can trace a fairly direct path of lineage to Lucrezia Borgia. Hence the LJ icons. But technically, this doesn't really count for me, because...
3. I am adopted. Oddly, I am the same genetic mixture as my siblings: half Norwegian, half Italian. As it happens, there's also a smidge of German from my paternal grandmother's side that I don't seem to
have, as far as we know. (A bonus factoid: all four of my grandparents came through Ellis Island.)
4. The default song in my head is
"La Vie en Rose", the Edith Piaf version...not the recent Marion Cotillard version, although
that is lovely. (We shall not speak of Celine Deon in this place.) I don't know why that's the default, but it is. (This week, it's been
OK Go's "Invincible", which is more weird than you can imagine--mainly because I'm...just not.
5. I have lived in the following states, in this order: Colorado, California, Nebraska, Colorado, Texas, Washington. If you count every single move (from apartment to apartment, a different house in
the same town, one end of the state to the other, etc.), I have relocated a grand total of 32 times. At present, I have no plans of doing it again. Ever. Never. Full stop. Here I stand. I tell you three times.
6. I have math dyslexia, but can still add one- and two-digit numbers in my head pretty fast.
7. On the first day of gymnastics in third grade, I broke the teacher's nose. When good cartwheels go bad...
8. My home library includes two floor-to-ceiling bookshelves full of vampire books.