Despite all my rage, I am still just a rat in a cage.

Sep 29, 2006 20:20

I got kind of tipsy at dinner and was looking for something "fun" on the radio and we came across a Smashing Pumpkins song that reminded us of high school.

This is not a radio town. I never realized how much LA is.

I know I haven't posted in forever.

I'm unemployed. I was temping, I've been editing for spare cash, now I'm looking for anything with a paycheck that doesn't make me want to kill myself or anyone else. Neal has a good paralegal job with insurance that starts Sunday. Good thing, because I've got this $40-a-day drug habit to keep up. Good way to describe it, I think, because it's medicine I have to inject.

My dog is awesome. I am boring. My house is cool. There are these bugs called boxelder bugs that like to sun themselves on my brick house. I'm trying not to care. They don't seem to care about me, and they don't want to come inside.
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