May 12, 2005 20:34
So here I am, back at home in good ol' California. I got home yesterday but after all the unpacking I was way beat. So the house is an utter disaster thanks to all my junk. It is nice to be back in California - see some colors other than green (not that I have anything against green) and feel some sunshine. It is nice to know I have nothing to do for the next couple days but eventually I will need to start looking for an apartment in San Francisco and start looking for a job. Then I get to move AGAIN - but at least this time it will not be into a dorm and will be for more than 9 months. An apartment! So excited. I dont think it has quite set in yet that I will not just be back in Portland come August. I am sure once that sets in I will revisit the tears of pre-graduation, but for now it is fun to know that I just graduated from college and I have earned a couple days of doing nothing but sleeping in and unpacking. Cable tv is also my new best friend, since I had to leave all my friends in Portland, or they are not out of school yet down here.
The shock of me updating is immense, I know, but I promised a couple pretty ladies that I would do it for real . . . instead of just reading everyone elses.