Episode reaction, as it happens...
DVR isn't recording. This sucks.
Castiel! Yeah! Give Sam another go, just to check. Make sure to verify those findings!
Okay, this is weird. Gwen is weird, the whole Campbell Compound is weird. Why is Dean trusting Sam? At least he's not trusing Gramps. Christian is in sincere need of an ass kicking. And why does Sam trust Gramps? He has no feelings, familial or otherwise, so he's obviously lying.
I'm sorry, Gwen. You are nothing like Mary. And throw-away, red-herring line, much?
Vision deja-vu. It still sucks, by the way.
Dean, why are you trusting Sam? Who is continuing to lie to you?
Why is Sam (supposedly) siding with Dean? What is his motive? This makes no sense, and makes Dean look like an idiot. And Sam is still a manipulative asshole.
Why is it that every time I find one thing to like, I find two that are idiotic?
Why Samuel, ineffectual much? I mean, really. Torturing a walking-dead, centuries (if not eons) old Alpha with a little electricity? Idiot. And I'm sorry, but how did you catch him? Also, you're making deals with demons, but you supposedly "came down"? Why doesn't Dean question this?
Purgatory? Seriously? This is getting worse by the second.
Apparently, eons old.
Why does everyone want a piece of Dean? Besides the obvious? Because they're all courting him, whether they admit it or not. Alpha wants him, so (again) doesn't kill him. Gramps (in spite of his disdain) wants him. Sam wants him (why, since he has no feelings?). I don't believe or trust any of them, especially Sam. Sam is *so* up to something.
So, Gwen? Why don't I believe that you could get the drop on Dean? Dean, commence kicking Samuel's ass. Please. And move on to Christian, next.
Wait. This is a Great-Hunter-Campbell? This idiot who can't even yell when the big bad is breakig out? He deserves to die.
I hate it when they make the boys (Or in this case, Dean, since Sam is a super-speshul "soulless" idiot) stupid. And the stupid is making it's way through this episode, with an extremely wide brush.
Boy, not feeling the tension, although I think I'm supposed to.
So, Christian is a demon? Don't care. So, Samuel knows that Sam has no soul? No shit. Also, Sam knows and doesn't care, since he's such a Great Hunter (although I've seen no such evidence). I'm sorry, but his keeping the deal with Crowley over Crowley's bones? Not an accident, and not subtle. I hope Dean kicks all their asses.
Wow, I liked Crowley as a protagonist, but his goals are... Pedestrian. And stupid. I'm actually liking him a lot less after this episode. Writers, you suck.
Dean, I wish that the writers would let you be smart, canny and ruthless. And be the hero of the piece. Because you'd kick all their asses. And leave Sam in a ditch.
So, Gwen. You want to be taken seriously, as one of the boys. But you're willing to take orders from the Demon's ass-monkey. Sorry, my bad. You fit right in!
Dean, please don't believe Sam. Play along and kill all of them.
Why is Dean still hunting with Sam? Why does he trust him? Why is he letting Samuel go? Please, writers, don't make *everyone* a complete idiot.
Too late.
If the King of Hell told me about his plans (even lame ones about "real estate"), I'd tell my Angelic BFF Castiel. But I'm sure that Dean won't bother, since the writers need him to be brain damaged. And rusty.
The more I think, the more this episode sucks. Purgatory? The Alpha-Vamp (what a waste of Rick Worthy)? Working for Demons? Believing Sam? SUCK!!! Lord. This sucks. The retcon, suspension of disbelief and sheer idiocy are rampant. I thought you couldn't *steal* a soul, but apparently that's been retconned. 'Cause I can't see them going there, with Sam making a deal. Although that would make more sense.