June Full Moon and Summer Solstice Rituals

Jun 25, 2013 01:21

Type of Ritual: Full moon and Summer Solstice
Date and Time: June 24-25, 2013. 11:30-almost 1
Moon Phase and Astrological Correspondences: Full, Sun in Cancer, Moon in Capricorn, and Pisces Rising
Weather: 23C and still
Physical Health: Period is causing some minor issues like body aches and mood swings, but otherwise okay
Purpose of Ritual: To honour the full moon, and to honour the transition from longer days to longer nights
Deities Invoked: Quetzalcoatl, Cama Zotz, Ixchel
Approximate Length of Ritual: Almost 90 minutes

The first part of my ritual was the full moon healing ritual. It went well, nothing really to report on it. It went well.

The second part was a journal ritual for the Solstice. I let myself just write, and let it just flow. This is what I wrote with some things like spelling edited:

It feels like I’m watching something play out, like I’m seeing myself. I’m not really sure what this place is, but it’s overgrown, dusty, but there are dozens of passageways and archways. They all lead to the same place, a central room. In it I can see the outline of a person, but it’s very androgynous. I can’t tell anything about them, but I want to get in there. But a voice speaks into my mind, and asks if I have permission to enter. I don’t know what it means, so I say no, and I can’t get through the passage. It tells me to turn around. I follow another path. Again, permission is needed.

I wander far away from the center, despite wanting to be there. A cow is grazing on a plant growing from the wall. Her big eyes turn to me and she lays down, almost in a crescent shape. Staring at me, then looking to a spot on the floor. I sit.

I feel Beings around, but I don’t know what They are. The cow nudges a banana towards me, and I eat it. The peel is absorbed into the building, and a patch of grass grows from where I laid it down
The cow eats the grass

She stands so I do too and she positions her head so I hold one of her horns. She leads me forward, away from the center of that building.

I’m crying. I don’t know why. I feel a mix of emotions.

Things are brighter. I smell salt water. I hear birds, loud birds, like seagulls. I can’t see an ocean. Tears run down my face. I can’t stop them. The cow just walks forward, leading me

I don’t know where the archway building is I don’t know where I’m going

I see water. It looks still and deep. But there are ripples.
I see a cave with a tree growing out of it
The cow stops. She lays down again, and lets out a slow, deep moo. The water ripples again and I look over to see the hump of a frilled shark. My shark. She swims toward me and the cow, and a river appears in front of her. She circles us, we are an island now

I feel someone behind me, on the other side of the river. But I can’t turn around to see. Who they are is there, locked in my mind, but I can’t get to it.

A serpent flies though the sky, brilliant colours of blue. His mouth opens, and shooting stars erupt from it. Rich laughter fills the air, the shooting stars rain down on us. They feel like soft kisses.
Quetzalcoatl is in full splendor. His feathers are bright. He looks proud and distinguished. His face softens as he sets eyes on me.
You came his voice booms.
I cry again, overcome
Blood? He questions
The cow nudges me, tugging at me. I get the impression he means period blood, so I nod.
A command. I feel nervous, but my dress covers me as I slip out of my underwear, and shakily touch my vulva until there is blood on my fingers.
Quetzalcoatl flies over, and presents a stone to me. A sun. Carved. I feel like I have to spread my blood on it, so I do. He set the carving down, between him and the cave.

Cama Zotz.

Equal power shared together
Time of the sun is over
Rest, serpent rest
Let bat take up the burden
Night will fall
Enchanted beauty around
Darkness will set you free
Darkness brings answers
Trust it

Quetzalcoatl nests in the tree growing out of the cave.
Cama Zotz turns to me
Permissions you seek, acceptance is desired. Let go be free trust self you have permission, to love and want, and have and be

Here was just free writing gibberish. I even tried to look for words within it, but I couldn’t find anything:


You are free you are free be you be us find findfindfindfindfind

quetzalcoatl, free writing, summer solstice, ritual, full moon, cama zotz

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