Today I performed a small, intimate ceremony with Jaguar Paw to ask the Gods for help. I have been falling away and with a rather large upset, I did desperately need this.
The ritual and process is under the cut.
My first step in any ritual was a ritual shower*. I used a body wash called Sonic Death Monkey from Lush, as it's main smell is coffee and chocolate. It seemed appropriate to use.
I cast a small circle, centering myself using the Fourfold breath technique (it's so far the only breathing technique I know). I cleaned my mind. Using Reiki, I cast a small circle, just enough to surround the bedroom. I stood in front of my Mesoamerican altar, and after the circle was cast out, I lit the main altar candle. It's a big, white pillar.
It has three wicks, and only two burned, despite the third wick being more than long enough to be lit. The two that did light were standing side by side. JP suggested maybe that's because there were two of us doing the ritual.
I then asked for Quetzalcoatl to be with us and grace us with His presence. I lit His candle and felt a warmth just...descend upon the room. JP felt it too and said that Quetzalcoatl was with us.
I also asked my other Patron, Cama Zotz to be with us, and I lit His candle. He is a Bat God, and doesn't like intense sunlight and it's a very sunny day, so I did not feel His presence as strongly.
I said, "I come humbly before you, Quetzalcoatl, and you, Cama Zotz, today to ask for forgiveness in becoming lax about my spirituality. I forgot the Ways and I ignored You. I ask that You accept me back into Your embrace. Please help me become a full person again, please help me become the person I am supposed to be. Help me communicate freely and speak with truth. Help me reconnect with all aspects of my spirituality."
I lit my sage wand using candle light from both Their candles. I used a Pheasant wing to direct the sacred smoke over my body. I did so until I felt cleansed. I also thanked the bird for giving it's wing to me for use, and I asked it to protect us when we fly to Florida.
After, I set the sage wand down in a shell to burn for a while longer and I took a piece of Obsidian in my hand. I use obsidian a lot: I have a stone on my doorframe and windowsill for protection, as well as many pieces on my Mesoamerican altar. I took the stone in my hand and held it out to Cama Zotz. I said "Cama Zotz, please empower this stone. May it protect me from my abusers, and may it help ground and center me. I will keep this stone close to my heart, and it will be like keeping You close to my heart."
I repeated this to Quetzalcoatl.
The stone is sitting on my altar now, where it will stay for 24-48 hours.It will be ready when I pick it up and put it in the middle of my palm and it feels heavy and electric.
In return, I offered the Gods dark chocolate with chili in it. I also gave each of Them a piece of copal, the hardened resin. I also promised to bring Them each something from the Mexico pavilion in Florida.
I'm wearing my Mesoamerican prayer beads, and am sitting quietly, contemplating what happened. I feel very calm and very empowered. I'm looking forward to coming back from Florida and starting with my spirituality and with my tarot and everything.
I'm going to get out my pendulum right now. For the rest of the day I'd like to be focused on Spiritual things. Usually, when I do that, I cross stitch. But my current project is a world map and it's not very Spiritual to me. It's just a map. It's nice and all, but it's not really for me or for the Gods. It's going to be dedicated and given to Elizabeth Hamleigh when she's born. I need to reconnect with the Gods, so I'm debating starting a new, spiritual project.
Today's ritual went well. I'll want to do an additional "boost" when I get home from Florida, but until then this will hold me over. I feel good. I feel happy. I feel...strong and brave and that I'm able to do this.
*A small, quick version of a ritual bath. I'll post it's process at some point