Survey question 1

Oct 20, 2011 23:51

What is religion? What is its role in your life?

Religion is defined as a specific fundamental set of beliefs and practices generally agreed upon by a number of persons or sects. The purpose of these beliefs and practices is to connect one to the Divine/the Gods/the Higher Power/whatever you want to call it.

I don’t often use the word “religion” when talking about my faith. I prefer just to say “spirituality” and in writing this answer I haven’t actually been able to come up with a reason why. I could argue that I think of more mainstream faiths as “religion” and everything else as spirituality, but that isn’t entirely true. I just don’t do it.
In Sissy’s answer to this question, she makes a distinction between religion and spirituality, and I do separate them as well. Spirituality is the feeling and religion is the action.

While I admit I’ve been falling away from my practices, I want faith to play a big part in my life. I can’t escape my spirituality, it forms a fundamental part of me. If that was taken away from me, I don’t know what I’d do.
I want to put my spirituality into action, even if that means I have to do something called a journal ritual (I trolled through Sissy’s spiritualty comm and found that link and I think it’s brilliant).

beliefs, summary, survey, writing

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