Magical Housekeeping-Chapter Two-Cleaning

Dec 09, 2011 01:42

I hate cleaning. But I have a cleaning day every week, and a larger cleaning day every month where I not only remove the physical dust, garbage and other debris, but I remove the spiritual debris. The physical act of cleaning is also the magical act of cleansing.

Though the two are different things, they are connected. In quite a few other books or sites I’ve read where room cleansing is discussed, the physical cleaning of the space is important to the cleansing act that follows.

Physical debris as well, like dust or garbage, can create an energy vacuum. I’ve lived in some pretty dirty rooms and things in there feel stale, old, and drained. Energy couldn’t flow. Energy couldn’t move.

But now I have a clean space, and a space that I actually keep clean. Yes, right now it’s a little packed with Christmas things, but soon those gifts will be wrapped and out of my room.

This chapter of the book dealt with cleaning. A lot of it was…sort of fluffy for me, so I’ve reworked some of it (and kept some original ideas) to work into my next cleaning days.

Part 1-Products
I’m very minimal in my cleaning products, because I only need to clean one room. I have a duster, a wood cleaner, window cleaner, paper towels, a vacuum and a mop. I use the duster on a weekly basis and the others on a monthly basis. Some of you might think I don’t vacuum or mop enough, but my room isn’t a high traffic area. Really, it’s only me. And really, if I had to vacuum every week my one tiny-ass room, I’d go insane. My parents don’t even vacuum their room once a week.

The book in a roundabout sort of way claimed that if you want to do true magical housekeeping, you have to use 100% Earth-friendly products. While I love Earth-friendly products, sometimes it just doesn’t work out. It doesn’t make you any less of a magical housekeeper.

Part 2-Cleaning technique
When I clean, I get comfortable, open my window wide and turn my fan on. I also light candles. I listen to music, always things I can dance to and I usually do dance. I work up a sweat when I clean but not because of the cleaning, it’s because I dance.

Part 3-Personal Cleanse
After I clean, I always need a shower. I become sweaty and I feel…sticky after I clean. The shower is the final step in my cleaning process because it washes away any residual energies and debris. I also find it to be healing and relaxing. I use Reiki and fancy soaps and it’s like a quick, 15 minute spa experience for me.

magical housekeeping, healing, books, cleansing

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