May 17, 2004 10:49
For everyone who said that I havent been complaing about Seths mom lately , you jinxed me................ AHHH! I HATE HIS GAY MOM AND ALL OF HER EVIL WAYS!!!!!!!!!!!.anyways she decided to go phsyco yesterday for something that really wasnt his fault and it nothing to do with the fact we were on the phone ,but she decideds that we can only talk for a half hour instead of a full one . I hate her.
The only good thing right now is I know I get to see Seth tomorrrow and I get to get all my anger out by playing softball .
I did a 4-H skit last night at J.G. and all of sudden I just started laughing over an event that wasnt even that funny , but I kept laughing and it was my line and I couldnt stop , so pretty soon the Audience was laughing and britt skipped some of my lines , but I still couldnt stop laughing so finally they took the mic away from me .
Then I got a Wedding cake snow cone and it was all ok !