Novice update

Jun 20, 2009 22:53

So, today we went to Novice (I know, it was also Challenge of the Heart or whatever, but it is so much easier just to use one word to describe/name an event sometimes).  This was to be a laid back event for us, and it was.  We were only committed to going because of youth fighting -- both to get more time in for the kids and to get Siegfried more time in for MIT stuff.  For me it was a "free event."  Meaning, no major work or time commitment on my part.  That was really nice -- a change I needed.  Reminded me about what I like inthe SCA.  The only thing was that I had committed a table for hospitality use, as well as rugs.  Oh, and some food.  In this case beside munchies I brought jelly sandwiches, using some of the preserves made last year.  Well appreciated.

The weather was tolerable.  Rain in the morning.  In the afternoon it got sunny, and warm, but not so sunny so fast that it became oppresively humid.  No, it stayed your normal, everyday humid.  :)

Youth fighting was moved to the upstairs of the barn.  Which was good in one aspect, because it put the kids in a "safe" environment (i.e. not going to get struck by lighting).  But it was really hot up there with little air movement.  I helped get our three armored up, and then went and got our personal water coolers (brought to supplement the Stierbach hospitality table) and took them up there with extra cups so that the kids and marshals up there wouldn't keel over.  I went up several times to make sure there was enough water -- it was appreciated by all.

All three children were in the practice, but both Richard and Susan got overheated up there int he barn, and came down to the tent and said they were done.  Ok.  Rose stayed in armor, coming down and getting snacks and then going back up.  But when it came time to do the tourney (down on the Rapier list field), suddenly Rose did not want to fight but Richard had recovered enough to fight.  Go figure.  Susan was still out.  Richard lost his fights (although he did get some kills in), and was in tears because he has lost.  He is still a little boy.  We had a talk before bedtime about how wanting to win and being upset about losing is OK -- its not letting go that is bad.  He was fine shortly after the tourney that he had lost.

I took my mid-afternoon "nap", which I think now must be a requirement for me at events.  I need to just lie down, even if surrounded by people, and close my eyes and make believe that there are no people around.  I was in a much beter mood after I did that today.

I saw some interesting things today in regards to rules and people who follow them and people who do not, and how people handle that.  Youth combat shots that are not called, and how these young fighters handle it (good and bad).  But also youth combat weapons made against regulation -- like it or not the rules of weapons construction need to be followed.  Is it like this on the adult combat fields as well?

I was more than a little punchy at times sitting there in the tent.  I think that some people should be glad that I am not able to be around others regularly, or it good become a bad thing to have me around.

We were home before it was dark, and able to put the kids to bed at a normal time.  I took a welcome shower.  :)  That is also nice.  I like local events.

combat stuff, sca

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