Aug 02, 2007 13:26
August 18th
I have never had, on one single day, so many possible events to attend.
- Donna and JJ’s wedding <-- what I will actually be doing
- Adrian and Amanda’s wedding
- 10 year High School reunion
- 1st ever Chowderfest in Troy
- Volunteering for the Co-op at the Chowderfest
- Pig Roast at Xena’s house
- Women’s Doubles Volleyball tournament
- Possible housewarming in Troy for a friend
I know there were at least 1-2 other things that people asked me to come to that I can’t make. (BTW, JJ and Donna, I’m not trying to make you feel guilty, I just think it’s crazy that one day has so much stuff going on!)
So, speaking of the HS reunion, I mentioned this is Cathlin’s journal regarding reunions. “The one thing that pissed me off was the survey form they asked people to fill out who couldn't be there. I was hoping it would provide some mode for me to tell people what I was actually doing now. Did it asked where I went to school? no. Did it ask what degrees I had? no. Did it ask what my job was? no. Did it ask how many kids I had and whether I was married? YES. That's Bullshit, imho, and I never thought that my High School/town, was the type that would see getting married and having kids as the most important thing to know about someone.” I mean, how am I supposed to let people at the reunion know how awesome and happy I am, if I can’t even tell them what I do for a living? This is discrimination of the non-married!
The big Lake George Tournament is this Saturday. I’m really excited about it! I think my team will do pretty well. Our serving game is probably our strong point, which is novel for me. I think our weakness will probably be digging, but it is fun to dig in the sand, so maybe we will warm up to it. I’m sharing a hotel room with Carla, and it looks like Dominic is going to come up later in the day and then stay overnight. It will be cool to have him there. It will probably improve my game too, as I like to impress people! Ha!
Sunday is kitten goodness! Tiffany is going to help me pick him up. It looks like everyone liked Tam Lin, so that will be his name. Last night I picked up some stuff that someone had promised me for free online. He originally told me he had a litter box and a scratching post. He ended up also giving me this cute, wicker bed, and a bunch of toys and treats! I thought that was very generous/kind of weird because he and his GF have 3 cats of their own! Cats cane be finicky, so I’m guessing his cats just didn’t like the stuff he gave me.