Alright I am wonderful, I'm ecstatic, I'm grining from ear to ear and I can't stop. I'm in such a great mood and I LOVE it! Last night we had our all-nighter at the church and it was great, I sat beside Matthew every movie and we were with each other all night. The more I see us together the more I could see it actually turning into something. Guys, I know he's 14 but really I don't care anymore, I think he's great and I think he's a genuinely good guy that would totally respect me for who I am. The movies were pretty good Madagascar was adorable and Kicking and Screaming was alright and me and Matthew only saw the end of Star Wars because he was playing cards. So we watched Star Wars and I fell asleep in those horrible movie theatre seats and he was like you could've leaned on me.... YES!!!!! That means he likes me too....well lets hope so. I went and visited him at work today and I stayed at Family Rec for like over 2 hours and my little brother was with me and wow I can see us being a thing. Alright so with every good story there's always something bad so here it comes....he can't date until he's 16 (which is NEXT August), but I really don't care I mean we can still hang out and do stuff together and I'm just so up in the clouds right now that I can't express how excited I am and I can't be negative! Plus Barbie called and was like "I got you a graduation ticket" and I was like YES!!!!! I totally wanted to go and now I can so I'll be all you graduates tomorrow!!! Well I need to get to bed I didnt sleep last night because this time last night I was flirting away with Matthew! Alright well I can't wait to give you guys another update! Love you!
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bzoink!::15 Random Favorites::1Smiling so much that you know you can't stop2Late night conversations3Getting a visit from an unexpected visitor4Finding money in an old purse5Listening to songs you havent heard since middle school6Holding hands7First kisses8Warm hugs with someone thats like a teddy bear9Waking up and realizing you still have a few more hours to sleep10Finding clothes you forgot you had11Something you really wanted being in sale12Acting like you're so much younger than what you are13Laughing until you cry14Getting letters in the mail15Watching old reruns of shows::14 Favorite Foods::1Mashed potatoes2Macaroni and Cheese3Chicken4Ham5Green Beans6Sucatash (lima beans and corn)7Chicken Pot Pie8Chicken caserole9Brownies10Chocolate chip cookies fresh out of the oven11Crabs12Crab imperial13Reese Puffs14Hershey bars::13 Most Watched Shows::1Full House2Boy Meets World37th Heaven4Law and Order5Jimmy Neutron 6Zoey 1017Fresh Prince of BelAir8Survivor9Amazing Race10Oprah11Days of our Lives12Newlyweds13Passions::12 Good Bands in your Opinion::1Ok I'm changing this to artists/bands...Jessica Simpson2JoJo3Kelly Clarkson4Def Leppard5Beyonce6Mariah Carrey7Ashlee Simpson8Ryan Cabraro9Howie Day10Maroon 511Jessie McCartney12Mandy Moore::11 Memories::1nature walks with my dad2becoming a big sister3Disney World4moving to my house now5times with Josh6driving around in Anabell beeping my horn7Being a camp counselor8Helping out at the Rescue Mission9Coming to my new church10Meeting all the people I'm friends with now 11Oklahoma!::10 Close Friends::1Barbie2Bobby3Amanda4Katie5Kirk6Ashley7Allison8Bethany Shank9Bethany Wheeler10Kristin Serafini::09 Things you're looking forward to::1graduating2going away to college3falling madly in love4getting married5having sex (when I'm married)6being a mommy7being an influence on my students' lives8being successful in my job9going to heaven::08 Things you wear daily::1my Bling (earrings)2packet panties3bra4flip flops5some type of pants6a shirt7a ring8a smile::07 Things That Annoy You::1opinated the point where its overboard210 people talking to me at once3people that are sterotypical 4guys not opening my door5my dogs barking when I'm obviously trying to sleep6people being in my business7getting yelled at for something I didnt do::06 Things You Touch Everyday::1my alarm clock2my cell phone3my hair4a pen/pencil5my radio6the steering wheel::05 Movies You Could Watch Over and Over::1Bring it On2Miss Congeniality3Stepmom4Coyote Ugly5The Notebook::04 Of Your Favorite Childhood Toys::1barbies2Baby dolls3Play Kitchen Set4Play washer and dryer::03 People You Have Kissed::1Corey2Jeremy3Josh::02 Of Your Favorite Songs::1"Pour some sugar on me" -Def Leppard2"We belong together" -Mariah Carrey::01 Person You Could Spend the Rest of Your Life With::1Jesus
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