Assorted orders of business

Mar 18, 2004 09:06

1.) YES! I know that I am behind on all my games, including Terra Incognita, which also needs to be plugged in a few places. I am catching up on that, and I have no excuse, and I'm sorry. However, I want to get out of Dodge by this afternoon, since I need to clean the Bachelor Pad and do laundry, and I have prescriptions to refill and headlights to repair and library books to return and income tax returns to cash and a gas tank to fill.

2.) GOOD LUCK ON YOUR INTERVIEW, zyphryus! I'm sure they'll think you're fantabulous and let you in, and if they don't, you're better off without them anyway. ^_- And in case you don't see my e-mail, bring Rew--you shouldn't even have to ask, he's yours and for that reason alone he's always welcome. ^_^ Oh, and I plugged your phone number into my list, so now I can harrass you with the touch of a button! Bwahahahaha!

3.) I assume we're all still on for Saturday, then.

4.) jurhael, I didn't mean to cut out on you last night; I was tired by 10:30 and went to bed early (after b0nding with m0mmy). I will try to be on more often at school, if that is tenable.

And that's it, you can go back to whatever you were doing now.

jo, fun plans, rew, rp, to do, terra incognita, lolmom, lyd

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