Doing Business With XFO

Mar 17, 2004 17:06

Dear Fucktard Who Tried To Spam Me,

1.) XFO is a private endeavor, chunked on the Internet largely as a dumping ground for various brands of stupidity in which I engage, and done solely for my amusement and that of my friends and the TI players. XFO is not a business. If you're interested in doing business, you should probably check and make sure that you're contacting an actual business.

2.) I make no money off XFO. I do not want to make money off XFO. And even if I did, I would not go about it by offering to grow everyone's cock a couple of inches.

3.) Similarly, when e-mailing someone, you should make sure that the e-mail address in question exists. There are three e-mail user IDs on XFO. None of them are "sales".

4.) Thanks to the wonders of detailed headers and IP tracking, I have your real e-mail address, and I think AOL may be hearing from me shortly.

5.) Your domain got shut down for spam/abuse violations. Ha ha! Stupid fucktard.

Cuddles and kisses,
Wang Xi-feng

Virtue! you filth! what have you or your family to do with virtue? How do you distinguish between good and evil report? Where and how did you qualify as a moralist? Where did you get your right to talk about education? No really educated man would use such language about himself, but would rather blush to hear it from others; but people like you, who make stupid pretensions to a culture of which they are utterly destitute, succeed in disgusting everybody whenever they open their lips, but never in making the impression they desire.

(Translation, I believe, is by Ismene Lada-Richards. If I get nothing else from Initiating Dionysus, there's always this.)

classics, terra incognita, books omg, xfo, the stupid burns and stings

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