
Jan 21, 2004 10:47

1.) I'm feeling better. I did figure out what's causing the passenger side brake light to go out; the car is old and the lining in the trunk is coming unglued. As it does, it rubs against the switch for the brake lights (yes, there is a sort of switch, although it rotates rather than being an up-and-down number), and it causes the light to go out. There doesn't seem to be anything wrong with the bulb itself. I can't play around with the wiring, which I don't think is the problem, but if something needs to be tightened, I can do that.

2.) I have a blog graphics directory now, so Kenshin now shows up all of the time instead of just when Boomspeed feels like it. I have been thinking of moving back to Pitas, just because the interface there lets me do more with the way the blog looks and control Control CONTROL! the layout in ways I can't on LJ. On the other hand, I would miss the interactivity of LJ horribly, and anyway I paid for the account so by God I'm going to use it.

3.) I am, if it kills me, going to have lunch at the Chow Bar today.

culinary adventures, car, xfo, pitas, rurouni kenshin, admin

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