A bunch of complaints in no order. And responses, because I'm sick of hearing myself whine.

Jan 20, 2004 22:02

Stupid body which requires me to eat and sleep and go to the bathroom and do other timewasting things. I was so happy once I fixed dinner, and then the instant I downed it, I felt like I'd eaten a huge amount of lard and I wanted to throw it all back up again, not that I did. I would be a terrible bulimic: I hate vomiting, which is why I'm glad I rarely do it. My body doesn't disgust me all that often, but I wanted to CRAWL UNDER A ROCK and HIDE today.
And there's not much I can do about this, except try not to let it get me horribly down and eat somewhat better.

Stupid ovaries. I never used to get cramps before I started on the meds.

Stupid period. It would be nice if I were regular and I knew when to expect it, but no, I get to wake up to a lovely carmine stain in my underwear. Actually, I've never gotten used to the entire concept of having a period. It still horrifies me. Not very mature of me, but then as my father would say, so little is.
And there's nothing I can do about this, either.

Stupid passenger-side brake light which is Delicate and Dainty and Can't Bear Motion of Any Kind and goes out the instant I try to do necessary things like, you know, BRAKE. My next car will be NEW(er) and AMERICAN-MADE (or at least EASILY FIXABLE and will not REQUIRE AN IMPORT SERVICE for ROUTINE MAINTENANCE like an OIL CHANGE) and RUN ON REGULAR FUEL as opposed to DIESEL.
I can do something about this, but I need something heavy enough to depress the brake while I look at the lights and try to fool around with them. Maybe I should start carrying a box of books around in my trunk.

Stupid apartment that needs to be cleaned.
At least I have a place to live. And I do have time to clean it.

Stupid everything that won't stay done.
Yeah, but that's life.

Stupid website that needs things uploaded.
The website is a voluntary activity. I have to upload stuff for forgottensanity, because I told her I would. Other than that, I don't have to do anything with it if I don't want to.

Stupid towels that need to be washed.
At least I have towels. And I do have time to wash them.

Stupid not-being-employed. Sir Ghetti's is hiring, even if they serve spaghetti-in-a-bucket, which is easily one of the most unappetizing concepts of all time. It's close to campus, and I could work Mon. and Weds. from, say, 10 to 2, and then work all day Friday after 10 and all day Saturday and Sunday. Or in the evening. On the other hand I'm INCREDIBLY OVERQUALIFIED for counter and delivery work. On a third hand, I don't really care. This stuff doesn't happen every day. If the Gods are trying to put something into my hands, I'm not going to tell Them to shove off.
I can do something about being unemployed. I have to be picky because it has to fit my class schedule, not vice versa, but it's still entirely possible for me to get something.

Stupid prescriptions that need to be refilled.
And the alternative is not pleasant, either.

Stupid temper that gets shorter and shorter, particularly around this time of month. I never used to get all emotional, either.
This is within my ability to control.

Stupid bank account that's rapidly dwindling.
So is this.

On the other hand, classics is not stupid. And classics helps me forget about all the stupidity, or at least ignore it for a few minutes. I have been incredibly upset and dissatisfied for the past few days; I don't know why. Maybe I'll feel better tomorrow.

I hope so, anyway.

i hate being poor, classics, xfo, cat, car, stupid body, fuck estrogen, job hunt '04

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