I Hate The Taste Of Spam

Nov 05, 2012 00:26

I'll make a proper entry later, but for now there's a couple of orders of business. The first one likely doesn't affect anyone here.

1.) I've had increasing problems with spam lately, and my patience wears thin after having to delete 8 comments at once, so anonymous commenting has been disabled. This is likely a non-issue, but I have friends who aren't on LJ and may swing by. At least if the spamming asshole has bothered to make an LJ account, I can have the pleasure of banning it.

2.) On the off chance you like shitty stories about fictitious East European countries during WWII, there's one over here. It's not very good but at least I finished something. Now I can work on finishing other things hooray!

writing, psa, life

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