2011 In Review

Dec 29, 2011 22:27

So at least I've had one good year, even if it all goes pear-shaped in 2012. (I don't know why we use "pear-shaped" to refer to things getting fucked up, anyway. I love pears.)

None of these are earth-shaking, but they're mine.
+ I made coq au vin for the first time, from Julia Child's recipe in The Way to Cook. Mmm, delicious :9
+ I had the automatic transmission system flushed, thus ensuring that if I'm stranded, it won't be for that reason.
+ I went to St. Louis to see the Treasures of Napoleon exhibit and was introduced to Penzey's Spices.
+ I got together with Joy (quite by accident! We were at Panera at the same time). I hadn't heard from her in a while and was afraid that I'd inadvertently offended her, though it's unlike her not to say something, but it turned out she'd just stopped being tethered to her cell phone 24/7 because it was causing her too much stress.
+ I've generally been better about taking care of myself: I've modified my diet pretty heavily (despite the almost two-month binge I've been on, which REALLY needs to be calmed down) and have been good about needed health checks (went to the dentist twice this year and the optometrist once, as well as my physical. HEEEEEEEEEEYYYYYYYYYYY~).
+ I went to the 2011 Jane Austen Festival in Louisville and had a good time.
+ I finished a couple of stories for duokinneas. HEY WE MIGHT EVEN GET TO THE HALFWAY POINT IF SHE COMMENTS.
+ I had cavities filled and the wisdom teeth on my left side removed.
+ I had the power steering fluid in the car flushed. w00p.
+ I lost 10% of my heaviest body weight. As of Saturday, I was down an additional 10 pounds from that number. I still have a long way to go, but that gives me hope that I can knock off another 18-20 pounds in the next year.
+ I went to the 2011 Fall Festival and my friend Nicole's wedding (on the same day, even!).
+ I went to Christkindlmarkt 2011.
+ I paid off my old MasterCard: the check just cleared yesterday. I'm still waiting for some Official Confirmation that the account is closed, but it feels really good to have that monkey off my back (and free up $200 a month)…especially since in 2010, I didn't think I could do it and had pretty much resigned myself to the likelihood that I would be sued over it. It's still a ding on my credit report, but it's not as bad as it would be if the account had been charged off or if I had been sued.
+ I celebrated my first year at my job about a week ago.
+ I ate at several restaurants in Bloomington I hadn't previously been to. Not a huge accomplishment, but Evansville is pretty much a National Chain Wasteland (with a few bright spots here and there), so I leap at the chance to eat something more unusual and more local.
+ I've seen half of the IU opera's 2011-2012 season (Cosi fan tutte, A View from the Bridge, and my second performance of La Bohème). The second half will start up in February.
+ I met a cubic fuckton of you guys, and also Michael (who isn't on LJ but is on Facebook, for those of you who have me friended there).
+ I saw a lot more of X-chan now that she lives 3 hours away instead of 3 days.

Now, on to Xtremely Srs Bsns that should be taken Vry Srsly: forgottensanity, your package came today! Thank you ♥ I hope we can hang out more on e-mail and LJ and the like too. It's been a long time since we've talked properly! Also did you make the chocolates yourself?

Life proceeds apace. Lolmom took some wing chairs of my grandmother's up to my aunt Paula in Lafayette (these wing chairs had been sitting around the house for a couple of weeks). There is some familial drama but I don't want to talk about that in a public post.

Those of you who have me friended at Dreamwidth will be seeing a lot of things twice from now on, I'm afraid.

And that's all, folks!

culinary adventures, st. louis, opera, writing, michael, joy, lolmom, nicole, stupid body, mindless acquisition, bloomington, work, another year over, m0n3yz, cat, fandom, x-chan, omg talyn, stupid car, sane weight loss, tedious paternal drama

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