Announcements OMGWTFBBQ

Dec 28, 2011 23:26

(Because "Announcements OMG" just didn't seem to get the job done.)

1.) dethorats! Your package came yesterday and is full of awesome and win! :D I have the samurai figurine sitting on my desk at work (the USPS may have dropped him, despite your best efforts; I may need to glue his kuwagata back on). Also, whilst I have barely had time to scan the Journal of Asian Studies you sent me, ARE YOU IN IT OMG?!

2.) I did something stupid and bought (no link because it's not configured yet). Or rather, I bought it back, because I used to own it and then for a while in there I didn't, and now it's mine again. MINE MINE MINE. I believe my XFO address was my default for quite a long time, so I may get residual e-mail from it, which will be interesting 8D

webstuff, price, xfo, mindless acquisition

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