Practical Alternatives For The Modern Woman

Jul 29, 2011 18:20

So it's like this:

I have had zero trouble getting into LJ. I probably wouldn't know there were outages if I hadn't heard people twittering and facebooking and the like about them.

I don't have any intention of leaving. I've been here nearly 9 years. I am told that I'm hurting fandom's feelings by not moving. Frankly, I don't care, because while I enjoy my personal fandoms I also have a job and other things to worry about besides ZOMG SOMEONE GOT BANNED FOR HARRY POTTER SLASHFIC.

However: in the event that the site goes down and never comes back up, there are other ways to get ahold of me. Some of you haven't known me that long, so I won't be emotionally devastated if you'd rather not keep in touch, but there's a list of places I am here. Feel free to stalk as you will. :D

webstuff, announcements, lj, life, social networking h0!, admin

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