Exciting Things Accomplished Today

Jun 19, 2011 22:27

1.) Laundry.
2.) Made a squash-bacon-and-mozzarella quiche for dinner. It is quite tasty. :9 (Actually, I just made the filling; lolmom offered to make the crust, so I took her up on it.) We are curing salmon in the basement right now, and there is leftover potato salad that I made the other night, and we actually have menu plans. WIN.
3.) Watched King Arthur. Again. I think I prefer T.H. White's quasi-medieval treatment to the gritty Romano-British version, but, hey, Clive Owen. Also Romans.
4.) Cranked out a page each on two fics I'm writing (hopefully to arise for arisha's pleasure in the near future). Finally figured out how to rearrange the second of these fics so it doesn't suck as much. :D
5.) Caught up on LJ comments.


culinary adventures, writing, lj, sarah, movies, life, fic

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