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Jun 12, 2011 11:49

+ I guess it still hasn't really hit me that my grandmother is dead, because last night lolmom and I were talking about gravy (she made the best gravy you ever had, seriously, no mean feat for someone who hated to cook), and lolmom was saying that she had no idea what my grandmother did because there were no measurements involved. I thought, Next time she calls, I'll ask her, and--oh. wait. She was alive not that long ago; I just talked to her on Mother's Day. It's strange to know that that was the last time, ever.

+ I need to get my act in gear and decide if I'm going to InConJunction, because if I don't buy my pass soon the rates will go up. Also I need to book a hotel room.

+ Dentist's appointment on Thursday. Do not want. Do not want anything to rot out even more, so I guess I'd better go. I am not looking forward to the eternal tussle over my wisdom teeth, though I rather suspect one of them (the broken one) will need to come out.

1.) Laundry.
2.) Go to the store. There is no sense in having dinner if we don't have anything we need to make it. Also, I am low on toothpaste.
3.) Walk.
4.) Make mayonnaise. You know, for the potato salad I'm making.

to do, lolmom, fun plans, things that suck, family

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