Welcome To Super Freak-Out

May 10, 2011 22:59

So I had bloodwork done today, and amazingly the nurse was able to draw blood on the first jab, which I was really thankful for as they tend to poke my arms until I look like a junkie and then ask if they can write me a lab order. (I am, apparently, the only person who sees any correlation between my not missing work and my continuing to have a job.) The results should be in by tomorrow, and I am trying not to freak out about OH MY GOD DIABETES EBOLA AIDS*. Intellectually, I know how ridiculous I'm being, but I'm not going to be happy until I know, and that may not be until Thursday because they'll probably call the house phone when I'm at work.

Also, the insurance refused to pay for this particular round of meds, as they think I am some kind of CRAZED METFORMIN ADDICT** who keeps going through them at the speed of light. What happened was this: I was on a lower dose. After my bloodwork came back from my physical in February, my doctor wanted to increase the dosage, but didn't write me a new prescription, probably because she didn't want to inconvenience me, so I was just told to ask them to call in a refill when the time came. I am now going through a bottle every two weeks, because that's how long it lasts on the increased dosage, and the insurance is all like, "NO. SHE CANNOT REFILL THEM UNTIL THE 13th." Well, you know what, insurance, that's real nice, but I'm out NOW, so I told the tech at Lolgreens that I would pay out of pocket this time (there's not a huge difference in insured vs. uninsured costs for metformin, thank God) and they can fax my doctor if they need to.

The insurance should be grateful that I am not diabetic (...we think) or I would be burning their ears.

In unrelated news, Oliver is pissed off because I made him go into the bathroom, and is whining and banging against things, even though this approach has never caused me to let him out in the past.

Lolmom is v. unhappy, but was able to get a rental and also the keys from her car. No word on the state of her car.

*Yes, I know diabetes is not as bad as ebola or AIDS. I still don't want it, though.
**Actually, I don't think you can become addicted to metformin, unless your physiology is way off. Not that I advocate this kind of thing, but you can, literally, take huge amounts of the stuff as an overdose and survive.

lolmom, aaaaaaaaaaaaargh, stupid body, oliver, life

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