Hi Everybody

May 04, 2011 21:40

A life miscellany:

+ We went to the Tin Fish on Friday night. Om nom nom. :9
+ Lolmom made shepherd's pie on Sunday, and I made a shrimp Cobb salad on Monday night. Also om nom nom. :9
+ I think I've Arrived, financially speaking, because I got the doctor's bill for the bloodwork she ordered when I had my physical, and I just sat down and paid it without a moment's thought. No panic, no mental moaning, no "oh, fuck, I'm gonna have to wait this until my next paycheck". (Of course, it helps that it was only like $15.) I still owe money, obv, but if I can hold on to my job long enough, I anticipate paying both my credit card and my car loan off early next year.
+ The sun has started shining again. Hurrah!
+ Lolmom made the mistake of letting Oliver sleep in the bed with her the other night. Imagine something hyperactive and furry going "I'M A KITTEN! I'M A KITTEN! I'M A KITTEN!" whilst it plays with your glasses at 1:30 in the morning. This is why Oliver spends his nights in the bathroom (that, and we're NOT letting him have the run of the house until we're SURE he's toilet-trained).
+ On the minus side, the annual sport of southwestern Indiana, road construction, has also started up again, which led to a huge pile-up on IN-66 this morning that made me 15 minutes late to work. Seriously, not even Bloomington's infrastructure is that bad, and our city joke is the Men At Work sign.
+ Have a new RP character gnawing at my brainmeats, and nowhere to play him. I should probably advertise, but I'm not on a whole lot these days, in part because I work a normal schedule.

Also, beneath the cut, a to-do list. Feel free to ignore.

1.) Make shrimp Cobb salad DONE
2.) Make dentist's appointment DONE
3.) Schedule STD check. YOU ARE BEHIND
4.) Call Connie and see if she can trim my new bangs. (Yes, I have new hair again. It's not as workplace-inappropriate as I wanted, though still nothing to wear to work, but OMG IT IS AWESOME.)
5.) Find out what else lolmom wants (besides tea, scones, and custard) for Mother's Day tea. Then pick it up.
6.) Buy toiletries DONE
7.) Go to the BANK like an ADULT

culinary adventures, stupid weather, the unbearable horror of adulthood, oliver, rp, to do, lolmom, fuck evansville, bloomington

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