Good Things, Man

Apr 14, 2011 21:40

Good things:

+ My performance was rly good last month, so I actually got to have incentive pay on this check :D I am forcing myself to put the extra money into savings, on top of what I usually put in there anyway, but hey. My boss says I've shown quite a bit of improvement (I was struggling with a few things earlier, so I'm glad my efforts are paying off, literally and figuratively).

+ My federal and state tax returns have been accepted (I e-filed). I don't know if this just means they went through okay, or if it's more along the lines of "okay you were poor in 2010, plz accept refund". If e-file is correct, I can expect a refund. I am torn between putting that in savings vs. putting it towards my MasterCard (it wouldn't knock out the ENTIRE balance, but it would leave me with a much smaller debt there, and I would really like to get this monkey off my back). I tend to be pretty conservative so it's probably going into savings.

+ We have delicious leftovers. I made asparagus-and-salmon spring rolls over the weekend, and last night lolmom was home early (she went to some job thing in Louisville) so we made chickpea-and-avocado tacos. Tomorrow night, I definitely see some reverse-engineered asparagus salad in our future. Also, the new Cooking Light came and there is a picture of shrimp Cobb salad on the cover and I need to eat that nau plz.

+ X-chan is coming to visit for Easter! She wants us to color and hide eggs for her. (This was one of her favorite things about Easter as a kid, and lolmom had to get more and more savvy as we aged.) The bitch of this is that we have to plan a real meal, though, for various reasons; Mom wants a cake, which I am all in favor of, but we kind of need to see what X-chan wants. Worst-case scenario? OH NOES, DELICIOUS FRUIT SALAD!

+ I don't think I remembered how much I love classics--I mean, I know I do, obviously, but sometimes it kind of gets pushed to the back--and I just finished the Iliad (again, I re-read it every year, IT NEVER GETS OLD U GAIZ) and I might be talking about Homer in here because Greek epic poetry makes me happy and so do Homer and the Trojan War. Oh my God you guys this is so vital to me, for fuckin' srs.

+ My package full of jewelry came. (This sounds really extravagant until you consider that it was more at costume jewelry, but hey.) Pictures to follow, eventually.

+ Hot guy is profile-stalking me on OKStupid. Possibly he's just laughing at my venomous harpyness, which is fine by me, but hey! Something pleasant to look at! (Unfortunately a lot of the women who profile-stalk me are looking for threesomes and I have a rather snippy note in there to the effect that Madame Lee don't play that. Tragically, no lesbian couples have ever approached me about their threesome fantasy. Also as a parenthetical aside I think I might be a happier person if I would just, you know, stop being so repressed about my queerness. And maybe say Hi to girls once in a while.)

+ Mmm. Talenti Gelato's pistachio ice cream, so good. (They also make the only chocolate ice cream I actually like.)

Minor-league annoyances:

+ Gee, I bet it's pretty in Bloomington right now. I don't know because I haven't gone up because I'm using this as a carrot to get myself to pay for the work my car needs done. (It's mostly just maintenance, but I am concerned about replacing the taillight cover. Which I still haven't done; auto tape is cheaper right now.) After the power steering system is flushed, though, I'll be done with the more expensive stuff.

+ ...Until it's time to replace my tires, which we're probably coming up on this year. I bought them in '07, almost 80,000 miles ago, and that's pretty much how long Michelins are good for.

+ The urge to move back to Bloomington RIGHT THIS INSTANT DAMN THE FINANCES is overpowering and will likely stay that way until around November.

+ Volume is low at work so I am the Busywork Queen. My numbers are going to SUCK this month.

+ I do not want to go to the dentist, but I am making myself do it because the alternative is a lot worse. I think mostly it's embarrassment about the hell I'm sure my mouth is after not going in two years (because I either had no insurance at all or had insurance that wouldn't cover a dentist's visit, and when you work at Lol-Mart $80 is a huge amount of money). I now have both dental insurance (the fancy kind that will pay for oral surgery if my wisdom teeth have to come out) and $80, so no longer have an excuse. At least there's no pain (other than the wisdom-teeth-related pain I experienced at the end of January) and nothing is loose.

+ I still cannot get this fic where I want it to go.

All in all: l33 up, circumstances down. Peace.

stupid teeth, classics, culinary adventures, trojan war, now that i'm rich so many women wanna do, good things, x-chan, stupid car, lolmom, books omg, mindless acquisition, east0r, bloomington, social networking h0!, work

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