Further chronicles of the fanfic-writing heartbreak of l33:
+ Still can't write Diomedes. I pulled up some pictures of Argos for inspiration so maybe that'll ultimately get me somewhere. I think I need to say something about the sky being really blue. Yeah, that'll fix my problem. I just know I can't head off to Pylos until this part is finished. At least I can write Nestor (and baby!Antilochus throwing a fit because he's too little to go to war at the beginning of things).
+ Did sketch in a few lines on the untitled Penthesilea fic and the untitled Aulis fic. Whee-hoo. The temptation to turn the Aulis fic into Achilles/Clytemnestra is overwhelming, simply because my tiny, eight-year-old brain is all like "OMG I LOVE ACHILLES ALSO CLYTEMNESTRA WOULDN'T IT BE COOL IF THEY PAIRED UP???" but canon does not support this, so I shall resist. I do like throwing Achilles together with female characters, though (not in a shippy way, more a sort of interaction-with-the-Other way), because he so patently has no idea how to deal with women who aren't his mother.
+ Have got a tolerable idea for a brief slashy fic, though. Hurrah!
+ Suddenly I just don't want to think about anything that isn't the Trojan War oh hell let's just say the ancient world in general and have done with it, brb living forever ryt nau. Samurai? GONE. Russia? WHO CARES. Anything else? NOT THAT IMPORTANT, DUDE.
+ It has suddenly entered my head that I could possibly save some money and spend my entire SUMMER in the Mediterranean some year. SURE, IF I DIDN'T CARE ABOUT PAYING OFF MY CAR OR GOING BACK TO SCHOOL OR ANY OF THAT. So instead I'm reading
Classics Ireland and pretending I'm 17, because I read a LOT of online Classics Ireland when I was 17.
+ I want to stay up all night and write, but my body is protesting against this course of action vigorously and so is my need to continue drawing a paycheck, especially as I would be hitting 24 hours awake at 5 a.m. nothx
+ In conclusion, HALP FIC IS EATING ME.
Also, now that I have discovered the existence of the
partisan film, I must watch them all and I cannot for they are not available on my side of the pond. HNNNUUUUUUUURRRRRRRRRR.