Up And Down, Up And Down

Feb 10, 2011 20:29

Good things:
+ Have an arm full of Depo from this morning.
+ Most of the snow has melted off.
+ Weather in Bloomington is supposed to be good this Saturday, so maybe I can finally go up for the first time this year! :DDDD
+ My doctor got my lab work back and my Pap is normal. (Yeah, I know, it was really stupid of me to think it might be otherwise, since I have no history of abnormal Pap and none of the major risk factors for cervical cancer. Still, that's one less thing to worry about.)
+ I am about due for an oil change and I can actually afford to have the transmission flushed like I want to without worrying about where the money is going to come from.
+ I made up all but half an hour of the two and a half hours I was out this week to go to the doctor's. (You can only make up two hours per pay period, but hey.)

Bad things:

+ duokinneas is hurting and there is nothing I can do about it.
+ While my Pap was normal, my bloodwork was less pleasing. Basically: I have PCOS, which includes an insulin resistance component. I'm not diabetic, and I'm not even pre-diabetic (I'm pretty sure that word would have been used if I were), but my doctor wants to ramp up the metformin and see how I do on the higher dose. I am trying not to overreact, since this happened once before and I later went back to the lower dose, but I flatly refuse to have diabetes. (The variant that runs in my family is Type I, which I likely would have already been diagnosed with if I were going to have it, but having Type II is not relevant to my interests, which include "not opening the Pandora's box of Christawful shit that comes along with the disease".) So: the food is getting restricted (partially for that reason, and partially to avoid the unpleasant gastrointestinal side effects that can come along with the metformin), and I have to get back on the exercise wagon. Jaysus, I just love the irony here: "You guys I am ttly restricting my diet so I don't have to restrict it later!" If momo has nothing better to do, she should feel free to nag me about physical activity and demand to see a list of what I ate that day. So should anyone else who has nothing better to do. Anyway, I'm going to start on the increased dosage of metformin and try to drop a few more pounds before I go back for bloodwork in May. I have a long way to go before it'll make a lot of difference, but at least it's something I can do.
+ We haven't been to the store yet. OH NOES.

All in all, more good than bad.

car, stupid body, omg talyn, ashley

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