Occasionally Things Work Out Okay

Feb 08, 2011 22:09

+ So I had my physical yesterday. I am going to be somewhat antsy until the bloodwork and the Pap return, because that's how I roll. In one of life's little ironies, I received my insurance card in the mail that very day...after I came back from the doctor's.

+ Turns out I didn't drop 15 pounds last year. I dropped 24. Whoa, my scale is way off.

+ I will continue to be getting the sweet, sweet Depo. As long as I have about four periods a year, I don't have to go off it. \o/

+ Speaking of: Dear uterus, I don't even like chocolate all that well, why are you constantly demanding it. Also is this your idea of a funny joke, bleeding before I have to get the Depo. Fuck you, I'mma settle your hash good. No love, Lee.

+ Assuming I don't totally suck at my job and get fired, I will also be giving myself the gift of complete and total reproductive attrition this summer, because my new insurance covers the sweet, sweet Essure. Please Zeus don't let me totally suck at my job and get fired before this can happen. FUCK YES, HAPPY BIRTHDAY TO ME~

That's all, folks.

sane weight loss, stupid body

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