Jan 27, 2011 23:55

Good things:
+ The snow melted.
+ There was cold pizza for dinner.
+ The computer is fixed and now I am going to be on the Int0rbuttz for the rest of my goddamn LIFE, though it has turned against some of the peripherals and I can't plug the speakers in.
+ My teeth are feeling better and I didn't have to take any Tylenol today. I also didn't stop at Lic's, which is as well because while their smoothies are delicious, that is nothing I need to be living on. Also: I can chew the shrimp and spinach in our delicious soup.
+ Work is work and there's stuff to do :D
+ It's almost the weekend. :DDDD
+ I actually went ahead and registered for Evillecon.

Not-so-good things:
+ The downstairs shower breathed its last on Tuesday.
+ My teeth started acting up a few minutes ago, necessitating Tylenol.
+ I am up past my bedtime.

Things are pretty good right now. :D

stupid teeth, culinary adventures, fun plans, good things, life

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