Fucking Wisdom Teeth, How Do They Work?

Jan 25, 2011 17:16

There was a momentary scare with my insurance. Turns out it's cleared up, but I'm going to have to wait 7-10 days for my insurance cards, which means nothing can be done about the teeth (which are still trying to kill me). I'm not feeling so bad in the mornings but by the last half of the afternoon, I'm starting to ache, and I popped four Tylenol before I left work and am still hurting. Also, I reached back to poke them with my tongue and felt something that I'm pretty sure shouldn't be there, like a supernumerary tooth or something. Thank God I sprung for the more expensive dental plan in case I have to have things extracted.

I really, really hope this goes away on its own and does not require surgical intervention.

In conclusion: Misery. Also suffering.

stupid teeth, things that suck

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