Deep Thoughts

Apr 05, 2010 12:51

1.) The only thing I hate about lamb is the huge amount of fat I have to cut off it in order to enjoy delicious lamb. This means that I am left with huge strips of gleaming fat. I suppose I could always offer it up to the gods, who got fat and bones in antiquity, but telling Zeus OHAI HERE'S THIS THING I MOSTLY ATE AND I DON'T WANT THIS BIT PLZ ENJOY just strikes me as asking for it.

2.) galhea, I could use j00r speshful plotting halp, when j00 have time. I have managed most of it All By Myself (tm), but I am still trying to figure out the angle I want to work in and sometimes it helps to get an unbiased second opinion. Also, j00 know RP. XD Also also, we should RP! 8D
2a.) Dear l33: This is an RPG, not a fucking doctoral dissertation. Is there some reason why you can't put down the basics and add more on an as-needed basis later? Seriously, your need for perfection keeps things from moving. Please stop acting like the source material is too, too overwhelming--you don't even read Japanese. No love, and get your fucking ass in gear, l33.

3.) My life has suddenly become exponentially more interesting as of late.

4.) Also, if you're at all interested in history meta, you should probably check Conversations About the End of Time (Stephen Jay Gould, Umberto Eco, et al). It's a lot of fun, ffs, and even though it's not topical anymore (it came out about 10 years ago), it's still a pretty interesting read.

5.) I am not looking forward to my Exciting Lol-Mart Adventure this evening. 5 and a half hours, and then I can leave and I'm off tomorrow. GAEM ON U GAIZ.
5a.) I am, however, looking forward to watching Samurai I: Miyamoto Musashi tomorrow. Because these days I apparently do not think about anything unrelated to samurai.

raien, culinary adventures, japanese history, books omg, samurai, work, rp

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