I Can't Stop The Way I Feel

Apr 04, 2010 21:28

This is the thing that should not be. Oda Yuji is cute, but way too young to be a convincing Sanjuro. Also, this movie really did not need to be remade because it is already made of awesome. (Ever wanted to see Toshiro Mifune pimp-slap somebody? I didn't even know I had that desire until I saw Sanjuro, and then once I got to that scene I kept rewinding it and replaying it for the lulz.)

I wound up not finishing Architects of Conspiracy in favor of doing something more productive, like getting books that promised more entertainment. The Rockport library hasn't much in the way of a good history collection, but one makes do.

It's East0r, and the lolmom made lamb with rosemary and garlic, and also the now-traditional garlic potato loaf. Omnomnom. Also, I guilted her into making a peach cobbler. Verdict: DELICIOUSNESS. Oh, and we watched The Ten Commandments last night; I love that movie but not the way the network drags it out so that your entire evening is held hostage (seriously, it's slightly under 2 hours and they manage to stretch it out to over 4). Though there are worse ways to kill an evening.

om nom nom toshiro mifune, culinary adventures, lolmom, books omg, east0r, movies

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