Kneel Before Zod

Jun 18, 2008 01:56

+ I had a series of extremely weird dreams last night. Ugh. Actually, I slept about 12 hours; I went to bed around 9 and woke up a little before 9 a.m.

+ Based on the same frequently-advertised RPG ad I keep finding in my inbox, I'm about to come to the conclusion that Gor is fucking stupid. (No pun intended. Mind you, I am a big fan of good clean BDSM, but I'm not into the master/slave thing except once in a blue moon.) Although I did get a good laugh out of the subject line: "Serious Gorean members for online". Uh huh huh huh huh, members. Heh heh heh m heh heh.

I'm tempted to apply for the express purpose of playing the spider plant of Gor, but somehow I don't think the GM would see the joke. Have you ever noticed how some people take their jollies way too fucking seriously?

(On the other hand, I'm sure a total stranger who came across my running commentary on everything would be like, "Wow, Lee sure thinks samurai are SRS BSNS," so who am I. Except I'm not, you know, fapping to chanbara films or anything. Never having sex again would be an entirely fair trade-off if it meant I got to do a lot of things I want to do. :D)

+ Ihara Saikaku wrote arguably some of the most lolarious literature of Tokugawa Japan. I am omgsoinlove with Tales of Samurai Honor (the title is satirical; a lot of them are about anything but). Particularly recommended: "The Hackberry House, Cursed by the Gods". Admittedly, those of you who actually look up the story (or a synopsis), read about halfway through, and are familiar with my sense of humor will break into groans of execration. Srry.

+ I HAS AN INT0RVIEW. :DDDD For a resumé I sent back in April, of all things. Still, ain't complaining! It's fairly close (on the east side of Evansville) and it's clerical. We'll see if it goes anywhere, but hell, nothing ventured nothing gained.

+ I CAN HAS UNEMPLOYMENT. It's not much, and I can only draw it for about two and a half months before my maximum allotment is up (so I have to find a job before the end of that time, no matter what it is), but hey, it does eliminate some of the immediate money worries.

+ It was so so so so so nice outside today. Sunny, but not too hot, and not humid at all. There was a good breeze blowing, too. :DDDD ♥

+ deliciouspastry has been updated, for the 1.5 of you who care about that sort of thing. momo will be glad to know that, thanks to her speshful help, I squeaked in juuust under the wire and got my fandom challenge done. I am taking a week off "assigned" fan writing to concentrate on some other projects (namely, cleaning up and posting "Kind", working on another fic tentatively titled "Penthesilea" because I have no imagination whatsoever, and t3h n0v3l). After that, God knows what'll happen.

+ I realize that nobody gives a shit about Greek mythology/Homer/classics/Trojan War fanfic, other than me, but right now that's what I feel like writing. IF PEOPLE AREN'T ON THEIR BEST BEHAVIOR, I CAN START WRITING SAMURAI FIC REAL FAST.

history: japan, trojan war, omg the stupid burns and stings, writing, weather, t3h n0v3l, fic, rp, books omg, job hunt '08, ashley, dreams, fanfic, samurai

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